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Wanda closed her eyes, staring out into the city. She was going to go do some grocery shopping with Natasha, and wanted to mentally prepare herself.

"What will we do?" Wanda asked, her stomach begging for food. She looked at Pietro with tears in her eyes.

Pietro looked at the cold sandwich between them. He looked at Wanda. "You have it."

The younger twin frowned. "No."

"You need it more," he whispered, giving her a small smile.


"Because you're meant for bigger things. I know you are," her brother told her. "YOu're going to help save the world one day."

Wanda grabbed the sandwich and split it in half. "You're going to be by my side when I do that."

Pietro grabbed his half and looked at her. "Always."

Wanda opened her eyes and looked to her side, seeing no one. She looked down at her hand, hoping to see his hand in hers, but only stared at her own bare hands.

She was meant for bigger things. She couldn't help but wonder what that was.


She couldn't breath.

There were so many people.

Hydra could be anywhere.

She wasn't safe.

They weren't safe.

She wasn't safe.

They were going to get her.

They were going to get her.

They were going to get her.

They were going to get her.


She wasn't safe.

Not again.

She couldn't go through it again.

She couldn't.

Not again.

She was going to kill someone.

"Wanda, you're safe. Listen to my voice."

She shook her head, her hands over her ears, her eyes closed.

"Wanda, we have you. We'll protect you," she heard a female whisper. "It's okay. You're okay." Wanda took a deep breath. "Good, keep breathing. You're doing well. Keep breathing." Wanda tried to get her breathing back to normal. "You're doing great. Can you open your eyes for me?"

Wanda opened her eyes, seeing Natasha's green eyes in front of her. "N-Nat?"

Natasha gave her a small smile. "Keep breathing with me. We'll head back to the compound. This was too soon."

"Hydra," Wanda whispered.

The older woman shook her head. "Not here. You're safe. You don't have to worry."

Wanda took a deep breath. Natasha sat on the ground with her, not bothered by the fact.

They didn't even make it two blocks from the compound.


Tony kept an eye at the monitor while working on new trackers for the teenagers. He needed to know where Wanda and Peter were at all times. He couldn't let them go missing again.

"They are fine," Rhodey told the billionaire.

"They aren't moving," Tony commented, worry in his voice. "Why aren't they moving? Should we call them?"

Rhodey took the phone out of Tony's hand. "Nat has it covered. It's going to be okay."

Tony turned to the monitor, seeing the dots start to move again. He let out a sigh.

"Tones, you can't protect them all the time," Rhodey whispered, looking at his best friend.

"I can try."

"There will be a moment you won't be around and they'll have to protect themselves. They've lasted this long."

"I can try until then," Tony replied, his eyes on his own hands. He turned back to his invention.


Peter looked at his aunt, before turning the television.

"You okay Peter?" she asked, looking at the young boy.

Peter looked over. "Fine." He looked down at his web shooters. He couldn't remember the last patrol he did. He couldn't remember the last time he went out and used his powers for fun, to protect the little people. All he knew was that it was before the kidnapping. He just didn't want to go out there and get captured again. He couldn't have that happen.

There was a knock on the door and Peter jumped up. He started at the door, trying to know if there was a hostile or not.

"Pete, it's just the pizza," May told him, placing a hand on his shoulder.

The boy shook his head. He pushed his aunt back and walked to the door. "Who is it?"

"Pizza delivery," a girl replied at the other side.

Taking a deep breath, Peter slowly opened the door, his hands ready to defend if need be. A girl was standing there in uniform, two pizza boxes in her hands. May pushed the door wider and smiled at the girl.

She took the pizza and thanked the girl. When she closed the door, she gave her nephew a concerned look. "Pete?"

There was a thump, causing Peter to jump. She put the boxes down and walked to the teen. "Pete? No one is going to get you. The Avengers are on standby."

Peter looked at her, slight panic in his eyes.

"Let's eat dinner, okay?"

The teenager gave her a nod, and let her lead him to the kitchen, where he slowly ate his food.


"How is she?" Steve asked, his hands crossed over his chest.

"Asleep. The panic attack took a lot out of her. She's resting."

"What are we going to do?" Tony asked, leaning back in his chair. "May just called me, told me Peter jumps at any sound and almost attacked the pizza girl."

"They need to breath."

"What are you suggesting?" Steve asked, frowning at the spy.

"Getting out of the city. I think it would do some good," Natasha replied, looking at the Avengers.

"Where would we go?" Tony decided to question.

Clint grinned. "The farm."


Natasha Romanov. Black Widow. Spy. Former agent. Hero. Avenger. Mother. She never thought she'd ever become a mother. She never thought she'd have that nature in her. But she did. And she had never felt so complete. She never thought she'd gain a family.

She loved her kids. She loved Wanda and Peter. She loved Clint, Sam, Tony, Rhodey and Vision. She loved Steve. She loved, and there was a time she thought she would never know how to feel that. She would forever be grateful to have found people who loved her back. Who wished to protect her for more than just self interest. They wished to protect her because they wanted her safe. And she would protect them right back.

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