day xlii

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"So beautiful," he whispered, his eyes raking over her naked body. Wanda couldn't move. She teared up. "I am going to enjoy this."

Wanda opened her eyes. She was in the quinjet with some of the other Avengers, heading to Clint's Farm. Peter and May were with Natasha, watching her drive. Clint was on the phone with is wife. Tony and Steve were resting, and Vision was around.

"Miss Maximoff?" She turned to see Vision standing there, staring at her. "How are you feeling?"

"I thought we were passed Miss Maximoff?" she asked him, giving him a small smile, not wanting to answer his question..

Vision looked at her, before moving closer. Wanda couldn't help but shift backwards.

"I'm going to make you mine."

"I'm not going to hurt you," Vision whispered, looking at her with kind eyes.

She stared at him, before nodding. "I know."

"But you can't help it," Vision whispered, tilting his head. "Can you explain that?"

Wanda watched him, seeing how he was curious. It reminded her of the time before the Sokovia Accords. When they were bonding over being the new Avengers, of being alone in a team. When they were just trying to find their place.

"I am sorry about your brother," Vision told her, getting her attention. Wanda looked at him, her eyes puffy from crying. She had just buried her brother, her twin, her protector.

"Thank you," she whispered, not sure what else to say.

"Would you like to tell me about him?"

Wanda turned to the only picture she had left.

"He was older. Twelve minutes. He never let me forget that," she started, a small smile on her face. "We only had each other since we were ten. He always tried to make sure I had food, clothing, a place to sleep, even if he didn't. He took care of me. He promised we'd find a home, a family." Wanda's tears started to stream down her face. "It's not fair that I'm here and he's not."

"I do believe he was happy knowing you'd be well taken care of. He wouldn't have done what he did if he hadn't known that. He wanted you to have a home, a family."

"You can't possibly know that," Wanda snapped, glaring at the android.

"No, you are right. But from what I've seen and have researched, that is what an older sibling would want. Especially with a relationship that you two held."

Wanda didn't respond. She turned to the picture, before starting to sob.

Vision sat with her.

"Can you sit with me? I don't want to be alone," Wanda whispered, looking at him with tears in her eyes.

Vision gave her a small smile. "I'd be honored to." Wanda felt him take a seat next to her. They sat there, side by side in silence. Wanda's eyes filled with tears, and they slowly started to fall down her face. Vision sat there as Wanda started to cry, her body trembling.


Laura Barton liked Clint's team. She loved Natasha (even named her son after her). She loved Steve. She loved Tony. She didn't know Vision or Peter, but she did know she loved Wanda as if she were one of her own. She had met her when she was just fifteen, a new Avenger, orphaned, having just lost her brother. She saw what no one else saw, a lost little girl in need of some guidance. And she knew she wanted to help her find her place in the world, especially after all the world had done to her.

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