Chapter 15

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April 4 2016

"No." Becky pouted as Seth tried waking her.
"Yes." He said playfully. "We need to go to the arena."
"No." Becky pouted.
"Are we not feeling well?" Seth asked worriedly.
"I don't know." Becky said. "I got a head ache."
"From the stitches?" He asked. "Can I look at them?"
Becky took the blanket down and Seth saw her eye was swollen, black and red.
"Okay up." He said. "Now."
"What's wrong?" Becky asked.
"Your eye doesn't look good and after last time we're not taking chances." Seth said grabbing her clothes.
Becky got up and dressed and then finally looked in the mirror horrified.
"Shoes please." Seth said placing her socks and shoes on the bed.
Becky felt dizzy as she walked to the bed.
"Careful." Seth said.
"That is so weird." She said sitting down.
"Dizzy?" He asked.
"Yes, it was like last time." She said.
"But you're not on antibiotics." He said.
"The trainer gave me some but they were different." She said.
Seth picked up his phone and called Roman.
"Hey man, where are you?" He asked.
"Still at the hotel, running late." Roman said.
"Look something is wrong with Becky." Seth said. "Her eye is swollen, black and red and she's getting dizzy."
"Damn." Roman said.
"Can you get over to the arena and find the trainer and get the meds he gave her and call me, I'll tell you where we're at so you can bring them to us." Seth said.
"Okay." Roman said.
"Come on, hospital time." Seth said.
Becky pulled on her jacket letting the hood cover her head and putting some shades in to hide her eye.

(Roman made it to the American Airlines Arena and flew in past everyone who wondered what was going on.
"Hey, you seen our champs?" Hunter asked fallowing him.
"No, but I know where they are." Roman said entering the trainers room. "Which of you treated Becky last night?"
"Me." Andrew said.
"Where are the meds you gave her?" Roman asked.
"What's going on?" Hunter asked.
"When they woke this morning Becky wasn't feeling well, she's dizzy and her eye is worse." Roman said. "I need the meds to get over to Seth at the hospital."
"These are them." Andrew said. "They aren't the ones she's allergic too."
"Look just hand them over, it could be a new allergy." Hunter said. "Come on, I'll go over with you."
Roman nodded and took the bottle before heading out.
"What's going on?" Stephanie asked.
"We have a code purple." Hunter said. "I'll call."
Stephanie nodded and they rushed out.)

"We're at the Baylor Medical Center." Seth said. "They're waiting for the meds, it looks like the reaction she had last time."
"Damn." Roman said. "We're on the way about ten minutes."
"Okay, I'll let them know." Seth said.
"Hunter is with me." Roman said.
"Figured." Seth said. "See you in a minute."
He hung up and told the nurse who radioed the front to let them know they were on the way.

"What's going on?" Becky said waking confused.
"Hey." Seth said sitting down. "You are having an allergic reaction to some meds, Roman and Hunter are bringing them over now."
"Oh." Becky said. "My head hurts."
"It's the infection in your wound." Seth said. "They have to bring in a specialist to clean it because if the location."
"Do you need some pain meds?" The nurse asked.
"Please." Becky said. "My head is splitting."
The nurse nodded and left to get her something.
"I'm sorry." She said.
"You did nothing wrong." Seth said.
"But we should be celebrating." Becky said. "We're new champions."
"We have all the time in the world to celebrate." Seth said. "Getting you well is important."
"What about the concert?" Becky asked.
"We can do another show." Seth said.
Becky cried and Seth just held her.
"Okay your friend arrived and we are analyzing them as we speak." The doctor said. "Nurse Jones is going to bring you in some pain meds."
"Okay." Becky said as the nurse came in with two cups, one small with two white pills and one with water. Becky sat up carefully and took the meds before laying back down.
"Right now your body is fighting everything happening to it, so please rest." The doctor said. "Your friends can visit for a minute but you need rest."
Becky nodded and the doctor and nurse left and Roman and Hunter came in.
"Dude." Roman said.
"I know." Becky said. "I look a bit freaky."
"A bit is an understatement." Roman said.
"So what's going on?" Hunter asked and Seth filled them in in all they knew.
"Okay, get some rest and stay with her." Hunter said. "Don't worry about Raw."
"Okay." Seth said watching as Becky began to doze.
"Our families are out with Joshy and have no clue she's here." Seth said.
"I'll find them and let them know." Roman said. "And see that they give her space since she needs sleep."
"Thanks." Seth said.
"As soon as you know more please let us know." Hunter said.
Seth nodded and both left and he watched Becky sleep worriedly.

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