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(Gold/My POV)

So I finally made MangaQuestShipping. Well this one should be enough to make Crys happy

Story Starts now.

(Gold's POV)

"Hey go on a date with me!!" I say to Crys while she's working.

"Gold, no! Now please leave!" She says.

"Only if you kiss me. If you do then I'll leave!" I say smirking.

"GOLD!!" She says while blushing. 

"Aw, come on. We both know you want to!" I say smiling.

(Crystal's POV)

He's right. I do want to kiss him. Then I do something regretful.


(Gold's POV)

I stand there, shocked.

Then I run outta Crys' house and head to wherever she won't be.

I decided to run to Goldenrod City and take the magnet train to Kanto.

Once I get there, I run to Viridian Forest because Crys won't go over there. I sit against a tree...holding back the tears. I decided to sleep for now and think of where to go after this.


I wake up to find Yellow and Red staring down at me. I was shocked at first but quickly calmed down.

"Gold? What're you doing here?" Red asks.

I just look at the ground, avoiding eye contact.

"Gold, I can tell something's wrong." Red continues.

"It's nothing!!" I respond.

"Fine!" Yellow says getting a little mad, "If you are not going to tell us, I might as well read-hey Gold!"

I run out of there and keep running until I reach Pewter City!

"Hey, Gold what're you doing here?" asks someone from behind.

Ugh, the only time I don't want these people to pay attention to me...they pay attention to me.

It was Blue who asked, she's holding hands with Green.

"There he is!" I hear Red say from afar!

I run and run until I get into Mt. Moon.

"Is he in here?" I hear Yellow ask.

I then get out of there quickly.

"Hey! He's over here!" Green says.

I keep running until I get to Cerulean City. I stop to catch my breath. I hide in a very small alley between the Pokemon center and some guy's house.

"He's gotta be here somewhere!" I hear Blue say.

"It's my fault!" I here a familiar voice. "I told him to leave and he did. I can only blame myself." It's Crys. She's crying. I want to go there, to tell her it's Ok. But something inside of me tells me to keep running.

I run up to Cerulean Cape. No one notices me. 

Once I reach the far end of it, I sit down, take out Explotaro/Exbo.

I then talk to it.

"You know, my life was so much different before I became a trainer or a breeder. I was quiet. Just relaxed until one certain event happened to me. I showed no sad emotions. I hide it well. I used to be a quiet kid who never talked to anyone. But one event changed me forever. It all started when I was a around the age of 6...where I found out my father was leaving. I went to Mom's side and asked her what's wrong. She looked at me and started crying.

"'GET OUT OF MY SIGHT GOLD!!!' She yelled. I cried, ran upstairs and slammed the door shut. That was when I changed. I knew that I couldn't be the same innocent child anymore. That was the last time I cried."

"I changed. I'm not going to let someone suffer for my sake! I can't be the same innocent Gold I once was. Not when everyone needed somebody to put on a smile. Even if it means to get kicked in a certain area, I'll always put on a smile for my friends."

I finish up my sentence and then hear footsteps behind me. I expected everyone to be there but only one person showed up. I turn around and return Typhlosion back to it's Pokeball.

It was Crystal!

"Is-is all that true?" She says.

"Well that's the reason I flirt!" I say.

She rushes in my direction and hugs me.

"I'm sorry! You don't deserve to be attacked just because you flirt with girls!" She starts crying into my shirt. 

I feel something soft and warm on my lips. I'm shocked at first but then I hug her closer to me.

I break the kiss as I hear the others walking towards us

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I break the kiss as I hear the others walking towards us.

"That was so adorable!" Blue says.

"Noisy Woman!" Green says.

"Oh shut up Blue or I'll tell everyone who you used to like." I tell her.

"Wait, you know that too?" she asks blushing.

"Like I don't hide it well!" I say smirking.

"Did you know I liked you, Gold?" Crys asks.

"Hmm. It's been 4 years, 5 months, 1 week and 2 days!" I say.

"Wait you've known she liked you for that long?" Blue asks.

"Yeah." I respond.

(Crystal's POV)

What Gold said will always stick with me. 

"I'll always put on a smile for my friends."

The end...

I took a few facts and put it in this story. Made this on October 25th 2019. Hope you enjoyed.

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