Bone Marrow Attack!

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"Playtime is over!" The Pseudomonas said to young AE3803.
She was crying. The germ is nearing her. She threw her hat at the eye of the Pseudomonas.

Then someone came. His clothes is white and his skin,pale,and his bangs were covering one eye.
"Hold up!"
"Don't you think to lay a finger on any of the blood cells."
Then he said again"Target sighted."
Then the Pseudomonas asked him"Who are you?"
Then he said"I will not tell any germ my name."
Then the germ said"Oh.Are you by chance a myelocyte,a white blood cell in the making.You think that you're gonna kill me."
Then the myelocyte said"That's right,I'm gonna take you down."
"I'm scared. I'm scared" the germ jokingly said.
Then the myelocyte said"Take that,you darned germ!"
However,the myelocyte's weapon bounced on the surface of the germ.
Then the pseudomonas started torturing him.
The myelocyte fell down with a large thud. Then the myelocyte said"You really think that I should do something like that?"Then he added"Even if we White Blood Cells have to sacrifice our own always protect other cells."

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