Christmas with the Cells

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Memory Cell walked around with a strange red hat and some lights and wreaths in the cell system. Then one cell said"That Memory Cell is crazy. Is he out of his mind?!?" Then Memory Cell said"I heard that this body, and other bodies celebrate this thing called Christmas." Then in one flash, the cells wore some Christmas clothes and Santa hats. Then some days passed, it was Christmas. AE3803 wondered,"Why are the oxygen wrapped in red wrapping paper and gold ribbon?" Then she did her daily job, delivering oxygen. Then, she passed U1146, again. Then they said to each other,"Merry Christmas. Hope your doing well." Then they walked together and ended up under... then a neutrophil said,"Why is White Blood Cell and Red Blood Cell under a... mistletoe tree?!?" Then they looked up and giggled to themselves. Then Dendritic Cell, Helper T, and some other cells said"Rare, an RBC under a mistletoe with a WBC." Then Dendritic Cell said"Very rare. Take a picture of this." Then U1146 said" WOULD YOU ALL PLEASE SHUT UPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP!!!!!!!!!" Then AE3803 said"IT IS ONLY A COINCIDENCEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!"

A wonderful Christmas.

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