May I Invite You For Tea?

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"Red Blood Cell," U1146 said, then AE3803 answered"What," then he continued"May I invite you to the café?" Then the other neutrophil said"He says he likes you very much!" Then she said"I'm confused. Why did want to come with me, White Blood Cell?" Then he answered"I'll tell you later." Then they went together for some tea and started to talk. Then he confessed"Red Blood Cell, I do like you. Very much. Whenever I see you, I feel my body tingle. Maybe because of those feelings I have... for you. Same with that erythroblast when I was young." Then she replied"Same with that myelocyte who saved me when I was young too..." then they said together"Maybe it was you and I when we were young... hahaha." Then AE3803 said to him" I like you too, actually..." then he said" Not because you need to..." then she said"I felt my cheeks warm when I talk to you." Then he said"So, we like each other. Maybe- I don't know, maybe, may you hug me. Just like earlier." Then she said"Okay. But after this, I'm gonna go back to work." Then she hugged him tight. Then some witnesses of this includes Dendritic Cell, Helper T Cell, Killer T Cell and some neutrophils. Then they shouted"YES!!! THEY LIKE EACH OTHEEEEEEERRRRRR!!!!!!!!!!!" Then they went back to their work as U1146's receptor sounded.

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