Welcome to Blackthorn Manor

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I had never in my life flew in a airplane before. I was sick more than half the time, so that was great. I was so ready to get off of the plane. I wanted to go home, I wanted to be in my living room floor watching Bram Stoker's  Dracula in my Nightmare Before Christmas Pajamas. But that wasn't going to happen was it? Nope.  My mom was sitting beside me flipping through a magazine. 

"Lennon, you could find you a cute British guy! Wouldn't that be sweet!" I tried not to laugh but I failed and my mom's laughter soon joined in.

 "If they look like the guys in the magazines you read, then no thank you." I answered back between laughs. 

The pilot's voice came in over the intercom announced that our plane would be landing shortly. Reality hit me again and I realized that this was really happening. Some part of me felt like I should at least try to make this a good thing, but I seriously doubt I had that in me at that moment.  When we got off of the plane, we grabbed our luggage and my mom and I set off to find the house. We didn't even know what it looked like, all we knew was the address and that it was an old stone house on a hill. The car pulled up to a pair of black iron gates that must have been taller than 3 of me stacked on top of each other. On the top of the gates it said BLACKTHORN in big black bold letters. 

"hmm, creepy." I said to my self. "I like it."

 I looked over at my mom as she stared at the big gates. "How do we get in?" I asked her, with genuine curiosity. 

She looked at me, "I guess we get out and open it." she answered.

 "In this weather? No way!" 

A storm had started in the sky on our way here, it was pouring outside. The rain was coming down harder than I had ever seen. She just shrugged her shoulders and grabbed a coat out of the back seat before exiting the vehicle. 

"Shes crazy!" I said out loud to myself. 

Lightning lit up  the sky consistently. I tried to look out the windshield to see what my mom was doing but couldn't see a thing through the rain. I grabbed my coat out of my bag and went to find my mom. She was standing in front of the gate trying to pull on it and push on it but it wouldn't budge.

"Do you need help?" I yelled over the loud rain. 

"That would be nice!" she yelled back.

 I went over to her looking down, being careful I didn't slip on anything. Together we pulled on the gate and it moved open a little bit. We kept trying and pulling until the right side of the gate was open just enough for our small rental to drive through. We made our way to the car quickly, and drove up to the house. The driveway was long and winding. Mom must have drove at least 2 miles before the house came into view. Lighting popped behind the house a few times, but the storm had calmed a bit. I opened my door and stood staring at what lay before me. The house was more like a castle. It must have been built in the 1800's, the stone was old and had vines growing up it here and there. The windows were huge, but there weren't very many in the front  of the house. By now the rain had stopped and I looked over to mom as she got out of the car. 

"Mom?" I said to her. 

"Yes Lennon?" She looked up at the house and her mouth dropped open. 

"This is definitely not our little blue house."

 We grabbed some boxes and carried them to the door. I lost my footing a little bit and bumped the door bell, but quickly regained my balance. I looked down and to my dismay my favorite pair of combat boots were drowning in mud. The door slowly opened and I looked up to see an old pale man in a black tux that looked like a butlers suit staring at me. 

"Mom" I whisper/yelled and nudged her arm with my elbow.

 She looked up and seemed startled. She looked over at me and we both had curiously confused looks on our faces.

 "Good evening" The creepy butler dude said. "My name is Draven, may I assist you with your boxes?" 

Mom just looked at him and then back at me, clearly speechless. I shrugged my shoulders. 

"Sure, thanks!" I said as I handed him the box and he carried it inside.

 After he had brought all of the other boxes in, he turned towards us and put his right hand behind his back. 

"Miss Marie, Miss Lennon, allow me to escort you to your sleeping quarters."he smiled, his light toned raspy voice and light British accent, was super creepy. 

Mom and I followed him past the living room and library, both as big as two of my old houses put together, up a small flight of stairs that led to an elongated hallway full of doors and rooms. At the end of the hallway was another flight of stairs. We stopped in front of a black wooden door that looked so old I was afraid to touch it because I thought it might turn to dust. 

"Miss Lennon, I hope you find this room suitable for you."

 He placed his hand behind his back and he wrapped his other gloved hand around the knob and opened it. The room was painted dark red with furniture that accented it, It had bookshelves full of old books and knickknacks, a sitting area all for me that sat in front of a bay window was beside an old door that must lead to the bathroom. The fully black bed was as big as my old room. It was so beautiful. I loved it. 

"Dinner will be served at 9." he said.

 "Wait where is the-" he shut the door cutting me off. " Dining room." I finished, but I was alone so no one heard me. 

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