New Blood

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When I opened my eyes I was laying on my back. The smell of damp earth permeated the air around me. I sat up and looked around. All around me were grave stones, I realized that I was surrounded by a graveyard. The misty air felt cool on my skin as the chilly wind nipped at my face and uncovered arms. Cole and my dolls were nowhere to be found; I was all alone. I stood and took in everything around me. I wiped the dirt off of my pants and started to walk around. Cole had to be around here somewhere.

"Hey, are you lost?" A female's voice came from behind me.

I turned around and came face to face with the most beautiful girl I had ever seen. She had raven colored hair that fell into waves and curls here and there. Her eyes were the palest blue I had ever seen, her skin was unblemished and very pale. She had a tiny nose and full lips that were covered with matte red lipstick. Actually she kind of looked like my doll Ebony.

"Yeah, kind of." I said with a nervous laugh. "You look so familiar. Have I seen you before?"

The girl looked at me. I watched as her eyes moved up and down my body, almost as if she was searching for something familiar. I just stood there frozen like one of the marble statues that stood outside of the house. She crossed her arms and shifted her weight to one foot. Her eyes were making contact with mine now.

"What's your name?" She spoke slowly.

"Lennon. What's yours?" I let my body calm down. I was very tense and nervous.

She looked at me and her eyes became huge. "Oh my goodness! Lennon! Hi! What are you doing here?"

I still had no idea who she was or how she knew me. I was very confused at the moment.

"I don't really know why I'm here, or where here is. Excuse me but, um, who are you again?" I tried to sound as nice as I could.

"Oh my gosh! I'm so sorry! I didn't even tell you my name, you must think I'm crazy! " She laughed and put her hair behind her ear. "I'm-" she was cut off by another voice calling up from over the hill behind us.

Another girls voice echoed though the graveyard. "Ebony, who are you talking to?"

She ran over to us. I had never seen someone run that fast before in my life. She reached us in a matter of seconds. She stood beside the girl who had first spoke to me. This new girl was absolutely breathtaking as well. Her brown ringlets cascaded downward and softly brushed the top of her shoulders as she moved. Her eyes were brown as well, but when the light hit them they turned a rich golden caramel. Her lips were full and pink and sat well under her tiny nose. Her skin was as pale as the other girls. Standing beside each other they both made a striking pair.

"Oh Hey Luna! This is Lennon!", she said as she clasped her hands together and jumped up and down like a giddy little girl.

Luna? Ebony? Oh my bats! These girls couldn't be what I thought they were. It just wasn't possible. Was it? No. No. No. No. No. I'm dreaming, this is all fake. This is one-hundred percent a dream.

"You're not supposed to be real. You are dolls. Why are you real?" I asked them.

I took a step back, away from them. I looked around frantically, I had no idea what was going on.

"The real question is, why are you here?" Asked Luna. She crossed her arms and looked at me awaiting an answer.

I just looked at them. I didn't know what to say.

"I don't know why I'm here. All I know is that you and her were dolls before Cole took me through that door."

The girls looked at each other and then back at me. "Come with us, Cole has been asking for you and looking for you everywhere." Ebony said as she extended her now, alive, hand towards me.

"Well he didn't look here." I said as I cautiously put my hand into hers.

As I took her hand I shivered a bit. She felt so cold. Cole felt the same way when he grabbed my hand. I followed Ebony and Luna's lead as they led me past grave after grave. Ebony was saying something but I wasn't paying attention. The quiet murmur of her voice sounded fuzzy and blurry in my ears as I looked around. What is this place? Why do I have a door in my new house that leads to a graveyard? Why are my dolls now walking, talking beings? Here I go with the questions again, ugh. I get so frustrated when I have a million questions screaming at my brain, running around crazy inside my head with no answer. I had to find Cole, hopefully he would give me some answers. Ebony and Luna told me that they were leading me to Cole, that he had been looking for me. I hope that was true. I didn't know what or who I should trust right now. I looked up at the sky and noticed what was usually a black sky full of stars and a moon had a greenish tint to it. A thick grey fog was starting to roll in around my feet swallowing the graves and ground around me.

"We need to hurry Eb." Luna said as she looked back at me and Ebony.

I smiled at the cute nickname she had for Ebony, it was sweet that they were such good friends. Ebony quickly looked at me then at Luna and her usually bubbly smiling face faltered as a frown appeared. I felt a sense of worry coming from her and Luna that I didn't like.

"But Cole said not to use our- "

"I know what he said, but he would be furious if you-know-who came around her." Luna's voice was tight and stern as she spoke.

Ebony looked up at the sky above us. I wondered what they meant by all of that. What were they not supposed to use? Who is you-know-who? As more questions were added to the pile in my mind, I could sense that Ebony was trying to come up with an Idea.

"This would be so much easier if she was one of us!" Ebony let go of my hand and threw both of hers into the air in frustration.

"Hush Ebony! You can't say things like that! She doesn't know!" Luna yelled at Ebony.

Okay, now I was officially confused. What do I not know? Thunder rumbled over our heads drawing all three of our eyes to look upwards at the brooding nightmarish sky. All of a sudden lightning popped with fury right beside us. We all jumped away and huddled close.

"We really need to go, like now!" Luna said.

She grabbed my hand, I grabbed Ebony's. From behind us lightning crashed and thunder boomed once more and too close for comfort. I looked down at the ground, the fog was clearing but the sky was getting worse. We stopped at cross-roads in the grave yard. At the moment I really didn't care which path we took just as long as it got me home to my stuffed animals and my bed. But I knew that wasn't going to be where I ended up no matter what path we took. Lightning loudly cracked directly behind us. Then something strange happened. The thunder and lightning stopped, I looked up at the sky and it was the same as it was before the lightning and thunder took it over. A new voice spoke from behind us.

"Well, well, well, what do we have here? Smells like new blood."

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