Don't Let the Vampires Bite

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I jumped out of my skin. I was honestly surprised I didn't scream bloody murder, not that anyone would have probably heard me. However, I was pretty sure that I had just suffered a minor heart attack and died. I turned around to see the butler, Draven, standing in front of me with his hands behind his back. 

"Oh, hi Draven, you startled me a bit! ", I managed to squeak out. 

"You will find, Miss Lennon, that there are some doors that will never be opened, some rooms that are forbidden, and some floors that no one will ever see.", He looked down at me when he said this. 

I didn't know whether to be creeped out, scared to death or both. 

"Dinner is served and your mother awaits you in the dining room. If you would kindly follow me I will lead you to it." He glanced once at me and then his eyes moved to the door before he turned around and started walking away. I began to follow but looked over my shoulder longingly at the door. What is so secret about it? I just don't get it! I was frustrated at my curiosity and at Draven for appearing at the worst time ever.  I followed Draven down a long series of stairs and hallways to the first floor where the dining room was located. He led me into a room full of huge floor to ceiling windows covered with dark red drapes that lightly brushed the dark marble floor. A gigantic wooden carved table was situated in the middle of the room in front of a fireplace. The flames were fluttering and dancing about inside and reflected on the marble floor. I looked up and the most beautiful chandelier I had ever seen hung from the painted ceiling. I saw my mom sitting at the table with a glass of water and a bowl of green liquid in front of her. I walked over to her, while looking around, still in awe of my surroundings. 

"Hi honey!", My mom said to me smiling ear to ear.

"Hi Mom, what are you eating?" I sat down and made a weird face at the green liquid that sat in front of us. 

"According to Draven, it's called Romanian Pea Soup. Apparently It's a delicacy over there." She looked at me and forced a smile as she looked down at her food. 

"Okay then." I said looking down. I decided It was worth a try. I lifted the silver spoon filled with the soup up to my mouth and swallowed its contents. It was spicy and very delicious. 

"So what have you been up to?" My mom asked me, while she tried a spoonful of soup. 

"Oh, you know, just unpacking and stuff. Nothing really exciting." At least it wasn't a complete lie. 

I looked over at Draven hoping he wouldn't spill the secret that he found me snooping around the forbidden parts of the house. He looked at me, he must have known what I was thinking because he gave me a quick reassuring nod. 

"Miss Marie?" Draven said walking over to where we sat. "My nephew has been staying here since he was a little boy. I was just informing you that he is back from school in Romania and he will be staying here." 

I looked over at mom. What in the world was going on? I gave her a questioning look. 

"Oh yes Draven, that will be fine! We sure do have the room here! This place is like a Castle! He can stay as long as he likes!" My mom smiled at Draven and he quickly smiled in return. 

Draven went over to the big brown doors of the dining room and a tall pale boy slowly strolled into the room. He had Midnight black hair that shagged a bit into his eyes and full lips. He wore an old black t-shirt that had distressed holes in it. His black skinny jeans were ripped at the knee and led down to an old pair of scuffed combat boots. He walked over to the table and stood beside me looking down at me. 

"Is this seat taken?" His thick british accent and raspy voice complemented each other to create a calm, smoothe tone in his voice as he spoke. 

"Well, Casper the friendly ghost finished his dinner a few minutes ago, so I guess you could sit down."  I looked up at him as he sat down. He laughed at my joke. 

My mom told me she was going to go explore the library, so her and Draven were off looking for it. 

"Tell me," He said, grabbing my attention. " What is your name?" 

"My name? Um, uh, my name. Lennon, its Lennon." I stuttered, he laughed again. 

"Well Lennon, I'm Cole it's nice to meet you." he smiled at me. His eyes sparkled, one light blue one a brilliant blue. 

His eyes. I've seen those eyes before. Where have I seen those eyes? Then I realized he had the same eyes as the bat I had seen outside my window earlier. Was that him? It couldn't be him, could it? I tried to pull myself together so he didn't notice my worry. 

"Do you always wear black?" He asked me, eyeing me up and down. 

"Yes, always. Do you always wear black?", I asked him.

"Yes, always." He winked at me and smiled.

I took a drink of my water and blushed. I looked down at my dingy converse.

"I want to show you something but you have to promise you won't tell anyone." His face went dead serious.

 I looked at him for a minute deciding whether I should trust him or not. My curiosity took over and I decided to go with it. I'm too curious for my own good. 

"I promise." I said as he took my hand led me into the hallway towards a door that I knew led to the attic. 

We stopped at the attic door. I had to fight cobwebs and spiders all the way up the stairs. I looked down and realized he was still holding my hand. I almost melted. He opened the attic door and led me over to a chest. He let go of my and and knelt on his knee looking carefully at the lock on the chest. I stood there watching him as he got a key out of his pocket and inserted it into the keyhole on the chest. Where did that key come from? What was in the chest that he wanted to show me? Why was I up here with someone that I barely knew? Could this guy be a vampire? So many questions flooded my mind but I had no answers. The chest opened with a click and I looked at Cole as he stood, opening the chest. I gasped and put my hand over my mouth. Inside of the chest were absolutely beautiful porcelain dolls. He picked up one and handed her to me. I cradled her in my arms. He watched me as I studied her features. Her hair was made up of  brown ringlets and she had the eye color to match them. Her dress was blue and white and made of silk and just like ebony she had full lips and little white vampire teeth that were shown in her smile. 

"Do you like her?" I heard cole ask. 

"Oh, I love her! She is beautiful, and I love her fangs." I didn't sever eye contact with the doll.

"So you like vampires?" He asked me curiosity filled his voice. 

I looked up at him holding the doll close to me. "I love them."

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