Back in Black

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I laid down on the bed wondering what I was going to do with my life until dinner. I propped myself up on my elbows and surveyed my surroundings. I eyed the packed boxes that were stacked in the far left corner of the room.  I suppose I could unpack but if i'm being completely honest I really didn't feel like it at the moment. I thought about our new house, and how beautifully Victorian it looked. It definitely  looked like somewhere the vampires out of my books would live and sleep their days away in their coffins until night when they could hunt. Wouldn't it be so cool if this house actually had vampires and ghosts living behind the walls and in the attic or basement? I got up and went over to the mirror that hung over the fireplace at the other end of my room. I checked my reflection, I looked a mess. Black mascara had ran down both my eyes, I had soggy wet clothes and hair that had leaves stuck in the tangles, my usually perfect black lipstick was smudged across my chin. I went into the bathroom and washed my face instantly. I decided to unpack a box of clothes so that I could get changed out of my wet Edward Scissorhands hoodie and my soaked skinny jeans. I felt really lonely in this big room and house. Well more lonely than usual. I looked down at the brown box sitting on my bed. I remember when we were packing to leave my mom said something that actually made me laugh. 

"Well, your boxes are going to be easy to pack. I'll just color code everything and label it black!", My mom had said with a smile. 

I had a sad smile now looking at the box as I opened it. I pulled all of the tape off and opened the flaps slowly. I gasped at what was in the box. Laying there, as perfect as ever, was my sweet little Ebony. I picked her up so carefully it looked as though I was afraid she may break from touching her. I brought her over to the window seat and sat down as I looked at her. The early evening moonlight sparkled in her pale blue eyes. Her skin looked white as fresh fallen snow and she smiled up at me with her tiny white fangs. 

"I wish you were real", I whispered at her. "Then I would have a friend in this awful place." 

I brought her close to me and hugged her tight. Then I realized that I didn't want her dress to get soaked from my still, unchanged, wet clothing so I laid her down in the chair next to the window and went over and changed my clothes to a black long-sleeved t-shirt that had little fangs on the pocket and red see-through lace on the elbows and matched it with a pair of soft black skinny jeans. Out of the corner of my eye I saw something fly past my window. I ran over to see what it was. There, hanging on the ledge above the window outside was a tiny bat with one deep blue eye and one lighter blue eye. 

"Wow, this place has bats?" I wondered out loud to myself. "That's so cool. I've never seen a bat with eyes like that before." 

The bat just stared at me, and I stared right back. I couldn't believe I was having a staring contest with a bat right now. Suddenly I heard a knock at my bedroom door. My attention was diverted across the room towards the sound. I looked back at the window to get one last look at the bat but it had vanished. I went over to my door and opened it slowly. I peeked around the edge, no one was there. I could have sworn I heard a knock on my door. I guess I was just imagining things. I stuck my head out side the door into the hallway and looked up and down it just to check. I heard soft piano music playing, I couldn't tell were it was coming from. I stepped out into the hallway and closed my door. I wanted to know where the music was coming from, also I have been dying to explore this house since the first time I saw it. I followed the sound down the hallway past what seemed like a million doors and rooms. 

"I wonder which one is moms room?" I said out loud to myself. 

There were so many hallways, I was afraid I would get lost in here. I turned down hallway number three and the music became a bit louder. I came to a staircase, as I walked up the music became more and more prominent.I ended up in another long hallway. Creme and brown walls with red carpet and decorations all became a blur as it seemed I had seen this a million times. I wondered how late it had gotten and what the time was. I also didn't know where in the world I was, or how I was going to get back before dinner. I came to a stop in front of a door that was completely different than any other I had seen in this house. It was jet black with gold and silver etchings that I couldn't make out. It had a dark blood red handle that was square and see through rather than round and opaque. I put my ear to the door and the piano music I had been following rang through my ears like a beautiful melancholy symphony. I closed my eyes and stood listening for  a few minutes. Then without warning the music suddenly stopped. The silence pierced my ears, bringing me back to reality. Why had the music stopped? I had a confused look on my face as I stepped back and looked at the door. I reached my hand out to turn the knob. The mystery that laid behind the door filled me to the brim with curiosity. 

"Miss Lennon?" a deep voice behind me bellowed out.

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