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Previously: You kick them both out of the house and tell them to never come near alejandro or mansi again.

* 2 days pass, alejandro and mansi are both still in shock and are really sad. But they decided to leave it in the past and focus on the school trip everyones going on today.*

Everyone gets ready and yall sorta match:

(you can choose whatever you want to wear lol)

(you can choose whatever you want to wear lol)

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The boys wear normal boy clothes

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The boys wear normal boy clothes

Yall head to the place where everyone should meet to get on the coach. You guys get to the place and meet up with the rest of your friends, the teachers ask you to pair up, as you walk over to alvaro so does levi, alvaro chooses you as his partner, whereas mattia wanted to go with you, lauren sees him lonely and yanks his hand. Alejandro and mansi partner up and you whisper in mansi's ear "y'all should date, you guys suit"

Her cheeks become rosy and you start laughing. Y'all start getting onto the coach and sit down. As you guys are getting driven around through the countryside you decide to play a game, lauren suggests truth or dare! Everyone starts cheering and they start of with lauren sine she gave the idea. She picks truth and ou ask her:

y/n: have you ever fallen in love with someone?

Lauren: I have but I became controlling and we didn't work out (looks at mattia)

*for some reason you start to like her(as friends)*

y/n: awww anyways my turn, my turn

Mattia: truth/dare?

y/n: im a bad b so dare...

Mattia: uh i da-


y/n: huh what? No i vant where on the coach...

Mansi: payback for making me blush hoe.

y/n: cool y/n never backs down from anything!

*you hold alvaros face and the both of you start making out, you can see everyone recording and flashing your guys' face but you don't stop, when you do, you turn around to see mattia going red and hold his fist. You turn back around just to irritate him even more and start making out with alvaro again!*

Mattia: ok ok ok this isn't pornhub, you can stop now!

y/n: but if i were doing it to you, you wouldn't let go of me would you?

Mattia: i-

y/n: yeah exactly... anyhow whos next?mansiii i dare you to make out with alex, if you don't mind alex?

Mansi: hu? You didn't even ask me what I wa-

y/n: idc make out. pAybaCK For MAking Me KisS AlVArO.

Mansi: ok cool, alex you cool with it?

Alejandro: I mean I don't have a choice do i?

Mansi: ofco-

*alejandro cuts her off by kissing her whilst choking her.*

Mansi: you are a hell of a good kisser boiiii....

Alejandro: you're not too bad yourself

You finish playing that game and start to fall asleep, you lay down on alvaros lap and fall asleep, you feel him stroking your head and look up and smile, he kisses your forehead and whispers "goodnight". You smile back and go to sleep.

*3 hours later...*

You all arrive at the camp, get off the coach and set up. You,mansi,helena and janaye stay in one tent, whereas, cici, orabelle.levi and athena stayed in another. The boys where in their own tents together, the camp leader leaves you guys with checklists and all the adults leave the camp. The first thing on the checklist was to have a bonfire. You all sit around and sing songs but don't see levi.

y/n: where levi?

Mansi: idk

Lauren: don't know, dont care lets carry on, y/n come

y/n: ok but fro where is she?

Athena: she said she's coming.

Cici: you guys sure this is he bonfire place bc there's a fire over there near our tents.

y/n+mattia: WHATTT??

y/n: wait there's no space for a fire wth let's go check it out!!

Mattia: y/n lemme go first, be careful

y/n: you should be careful too.

You walk over to the tents to see yours on fire, you see levi crying and shaking. You hold her and ask her whats wrong. She tells you she didn't mean for the tent to burn, she just wanted to hurt you bc youre "stealing her man". You let go of her in disgust. Lauren comes over and pushes levi over,

Lauren; why you tryna hurt my girl for?

y/n: my girl? Why are we being nice to each other all of a sudden lmao but it's kinda nice

Lauren: we started off rocky but i think we can be friends now?.

y/n: uh sure

Alvaro: ok cute, but hoe do we stop the firrrrrrreee!

A bunch of firemen come through with extinguishers and stop the fire. Yall head back home because "you can't be trusted anymore" even though you weren't even there for a whole day.

Levi gets permanently removed from school. You and alvaro decide to start over and just stay friends. You and your siblings go back home and your mum tells you, your best friend is coming over tomorrow. You all get hyped and text everyone if they want to stay over tmrw.(they stay over a lot ik dw)

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