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Previously: Mattia: ok well you don't need to know.

Your pov:

Whys everyone acting so weird? Especially after nelly arrived? Did she- she say something wth? Imagine she said something that flipped everyone off, well she couldn't have bc i've told mattia everything about me. Unless she's made something up. idk . all I want to know is why no one is talking to me, like im literally in the kitchen by myself, is everyone just tired or what? Ik lemme go back in and ask if they wanna eat.

End of pov

Mattias pov:

I really didn't want to speak to y/n like that but its all apart of a "plan". She looked so upset and everything. I'm gonna back out, idc i can't make her unhappy especially after chaysen. She has difficulties trusting people and im not tryna have her not trust me. Ik, i'm gonna go to the kitchen and apologise.

End of pov

y/n: hey o-

Mattia: y/n o-

y/n: sorry i didn't mean to bump into you.

Mattia: its ok, I should've watched where i was going sorry.

y/n: i was gonna say does anyone wanna go bowling?

Alex: helllll yeahh come mansi.

Nelly: nah its cool

y/n: you literally just came to america, be productive.

Nelly: ugh ok

Mattia: lemme go get ready.

Nelly: why does he have clothes in YOUR house.

y/n: everyone has spare clothes in MY house bc they stay over a lottttttt...

Nelly: oh

You guys all go to bowling and have 2 seperate teams, you and mattai are on opposite teams, nelly is on mattias team. Mattia keeps getting strikes or close to strikes. you on the other hand, are struggling asf, so mattia walks over to help you but as hes walking oyu notice nelly hold his hand and whisper something again. You can't quite hear it so you walk over and say "what's your problem, why do you keep whispering in his ears? You got sum to say, you say it aloud!". She responds with "k calm down". (A/N i hate when someone responds with k or calm down it's not that deep). Mattia moves his hand and says "I can't" you look over at him in confusion, but don't say anything else bc you dont wanna ruin everyone's night. He helps you to perfect your position, he holds your waist and turns you to an angle and shows you how to bowl. You turned around to give him a hug, you put your head on his chest and smelt his cologne. You instantly got butterflies in your tummy. You think to yourself, if you're catching feelings. You shrug it off and carry on bowling.

You all finish bowling and head to chick-fil-a to eat. You order and pay for everyone...but then you notice they are still not talking to you, whilst eating you try conversate with the group but everyone just ignores you. You eat your food, clear your stuff and get ready to leave. You end up going to the restroom and sit down and start to cry, because you don't want the same thing that happened in london to happen here all of a sudden you hear 2girls walk in, you peep through the crack and see nelly and athena. You get out of the toilet and they both see you, athena stops you and asks if you're ok. You nod your head and wait for nelly to say something, she doesn't so you leave and tell cici and elijah to go with pinto, and that you'll take an uber. Everyone looks confused and mattia asks why you're taking an uber, you tell him you just want to go home. He asks if he can come with you, eventually you agree and you both head home. On your way home you notice your uber driver staring at you. You cuddle up against mattia and he starts playing with your hair.

Mattia: hey what's wrong?

y/n: ahh nothing dw...

Mattia: ofc i have to worry

y/n: honestly i'd be better off not talking about it.

Mattia: ok baby. Hey i wanted to ask you if you're busy on tuesday?

y/n: uhh why?

Mattia: just i wanted to study bc im lacking in my calculus class.

y/n: mm ok i'll check with my mum.

Mattia: I already asked her, she said ok, i just had to ask you?

y/n: ok im free after school.

Mattia: great.

You fall asleep on mattias shoulders just as you arrive to the house, he doesn't want to wake you, so he carries you into the house and lays you down on the bed. He gets changed and goes to get the spare mattress. He walks past your bed to get it and you grab his arm, he screams and you start to giggle. You invite him to sleep in your bed (i didn't know another word). He comes into your bed and wraps his arms around you, kisses your forehead and whispers goodnight. You both fall asleep. Unexpectedly, you hear a loud thud, you jump up and run downstairs. You look around to see if your siblings are home and they aren't, you run back upstairs and wake mattia up. You tell him what happened and he grabs a baseball bat. He walks downstairs as you follow right behind him. You both hear another loud bang and hold each other, well more like he holds you. You walk down to the basement to see the ventilation broken. At first you think it's just an animal but when you see there is a can of coke and some biscuits in the ventilation, you freak out and call the cops bc your mum is on a business trip. You look for your phone to call cici and elijah. Once you find it, you drop it in shock and fall down to the ground shivering and crying, mattia runs to your assistance as you point to your homescreen. He thinks you meant he should read the message and he did, the message read that cici, elijah and nelly were staying at alejandros with the rest of the group. He then sees your phone background and holds you tighter in shock.

Mattia: is it?...

y/n: (in shock) it is...


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