𝙀𝙢𝙤𝙩𝙞𝙤𝙣𝙨 - 𝘿𝙤𝙧𝙗𝙮𝙣 (rewritten)

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As Daniel made his way to the company building he would be modeling for, he was told that there was a new photographer. Daniel wasn't sad or happy about it, because he didn't have those emotions. He had no emotions at all. He was born without them. Daniel thought it was his fault because he wasn't good enough for God. For him, life was miserable. He was bullied throughout his entire school life for keeping a straight line on his face and for having dull grey eyes.


Daniel entered the building he was immediately greeted by the designer, Jack, who followed him to Daniel's changing room, giving him the clothes he needed. Daniel looked at him and nodded. Jack sighed and left him alone to change. He looked at the clothes he was given. A yellow sweatshirt with "yellow" standing in the middle, some black ripped jeans and white vans. Daniel shrugged and changed, before putting in his ocean blue contacts.

He walked out and stopped dead in his tracks when a faux blond came up to him.
"Hi! My name is Corbyn, and I will be your new photographer for the next year." he introduced himself. Corbyn smiled at Daniel before pushing Daniel on some long white paper.
Corbyn set his camera down on a tripod before guiding Daniel through the different poses he would be standing in. Daniel nodded and posed for the camera.


Daniel felt the time fly by with Corbyn as his photographer. The other photographer was only there to check Daniel out and take a few pictures. Corbyn on the other hand though took many pictures and didn't check him out.
Daniel felt something inside of him that he hasn't felt before. Something weird. Like a weird feeling. He felt like he could trust Corbyn. He didn't know why though. There's just something about him.

Corbyn stood in front of Daniel snapping his fingers to make him focus. He looked at Corbyn slightly before looking down. He felt weird around him. It didn't go unnoticed by Corbyn, since he asked Daniel if something was wrong.
Him being him, he nodded and looked back up at Corbyn. Corbyn smiled at him before dragging him over to his changing room. Corbyn let go, making Daniel whine at the lost touch. He chuckled at the reaction before taking his hand again. Daniel smiled for the first time.

"Tell me what's bugging you," he told Daniel smiling slightly. Daniel, on the other hand, was nervous. He was scared. He still had that stupid smile plastered on his face. This was something he hasn't felt before. He sighed before rambling.

"I have these feelings that I've never felt before. I don't know what it is, but I feel them when I'm with you and only when I'm with you. It's so weird. Like it makes my heart flutter and go all crazy. I feel something creep up my cheeks when I'm with you. My whole body shakes and my voice cracks making me stutter. I-"

"Daniel, please just stop. What you are feeling is called emotions. Happy, sad, nervous, shock, love. Those are all emotions. I heard that you don't have any? Well, that's not true. You do have emotions, they're just buried under stress.
You're probably feeling happy right now. It's completely normal to feel like this. So don't worry!"

Corbyn smiled at him.

"What is love?" Daniel couldn't stop himself from asking.

"Love is when your cheeks become redder than they already are, love is when you get nervous around a specific person, love is when you stutter or your heart goes crazy. When you have a crush on someone your eyes sparkle and your body is having a party."

"So your saying I'm feeling love towards you?"

Corbyn stood in shock. Daniel, on the other hand, rambled on.

"But my eyes don't have a sparkle or color. They're grey and dull. I have contacts in just to make my eyes look less boring."

"Then take them out! I bet your eyes are beautiful and at some point, they will have color. Please for me?"

"Fine, but only for you." Daniel sighed and felt his body go stiff.

Corbyn smiled and followed Daniel to the connected bathroom. He took out a small box and opened it. Corbyn stood there carefully watching his every move. Daniel took out each of the contacts and put them in the container, slowly putting it away when he was done. He turned around facing Corbyn with a slight frown. Corbyn took Daniel's chin in between his fingers and lifted his head. He smiled at Daniel.

"Your eyes are gorgeous Daniel, how can you say they aren't?"

Daniel slightly smiled at the comment blushing a bit making Corbyn smirk. He thought Daniel was cute and adorable when he blushed. Seeing that Daniel was zoned out, he took an opportunity to connect his lips with Daniel's. Daniel was quite shocked by Corbyn's actions but soon kissed back. Their lips moved in perfect sync until both pulled away for some needed air. Both placed their foreheads together slightly panting. They smiled like idiots. Daniel's eyes had for the first time sparkles inside of them. Now they weren't dull grey, but a sparkly grey.

"Now, your eyes have sparkles in them. They aren't the dull boring ones like before. Now they're lively and lit up. You have emotions." Corbyn whispered.

"All thanks to you" Daniel replied.

Corbyn pecked Daniel's lips again.

"Can I take you on a date?"

"Of course, you can"



so, i've decided to rewrite most of them, if not all

there are going to be a lot of updates throughout today

but i'm back? lol.

wc: 953

𝙬𝙙𝙬 𝙗𝙭𝙗 𝙤𝙣𝙚-𝙨𝙝𝙤𝙩𝙨 (REWRITING)Where stories live. Discover now