Chapter Eleven

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Kevresh was so relieved, they finished the water the next morning. Despite her tears the previous night, Anan was in high spirits. She had no doubt that the lake would soon come into view. The two siblings chatted happily as they jogged in the direction of Tria.

They had no food left but when midday passed without a meal, they barely noticed. Anan did notice a shimmer on the horizon, though.

"It's blue!" she exclaimed excitedly, raising her hand to point.

Kevresh squinted and his face broke into a grin. "The lake," he said and clapped his heels against his horses' sides.

It felt like they were flying and for the moment Anan forgot her fear. Until she realized she was almost falling off of her horse.  Then she leaned forward and clung to the front of her saddle tightly. After a few moments, Kevresh slowed down again, laughing at her. Anan stuck her tongue out at him as she regained her balance.

The lake became bigger and bluer the closer they got to it. By the time they reached it, Kevresh's eyes were wider than quail's eggs. "It's looks like a blue desert!" he exclaimed, reining his horse in.

Anan didn't waste time with words; she slipped off of her horse and ran to the edge. The lake spread out in front of them until she had to squint to make out the horizon. On either side it also spread out, but Anan could see land in the distance.

Kevresh came up beside her and bent down, dipping his flasks one after the other into the water before handing one to her. They both drank thirstily and refilled them. The horses came up beside them and stretched their necks down to reach the lake.

Finally, satisfied, Anan dropped down into the sand and leaned back with a deep sigh. "I don't ever want to get back on that horse."

"We can rest for a day or so," Kevresh said, hanging  his flask around his neck. "But we need to find food. There should be water fowl around the lake that we can prey on."

When Anan made no move, he frowned at her but walked away on his own. His sister rested her head back and closed her eyes. It was some time later that he returned. When she finally opened her eyes she found him bent over building a fire out of twigs.

"Warm food?" she asked, sitting up hurriedly. "It feels like we haven't eaten anything warm in years."

Kevresh gave her a bland look. "Maybe a few weeks; it hasn't been that long."

"It feels like forever."

He just shook his head and leaned over to blow on the spark, trying to get the twigs to alight.

Anan watched and questioned idly, "Where did you learn how to make a fire?"

"Every Vasdan man knows how to make a fire."

She frowned at his back, getting the feeling she was broaching a sore topic. "Are we eating water fowl then?"

"If I can catch any."

Anan crossed her arms. "And if you can't?"

He shrugged as he stepped away from the growing flames. "There. Make sure it doesn't die while I'm gone."

"I--" she started but he was already walking away. "Older brothers," she muttered to herself, edging a little closer to the fire.

The daylight was beginning to fade, and the water had an orange hue to it in the dying light. The day was still warm but there was a cool breeze blowing from the direction of the lake and Tria. Anan couldn't help but smile at the idea. Cool things came from Tria, and someday soon she would be there with Kevresh.

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