Chapter 9

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It has been a few days since Timothy made the deal to face the Battle Frontier. His father, Troy, and his brother, Johnathan, were sad that he's going on another journey already, but they silently understood that he and Coovers are doing this out of necessity. Timothy didn't want to explain too much about his real purpose for going on the journey out of secrecy, but thankfully, mentioning Team Rocket was more than enough for his dad and brother to get the picture. Thus, he and Coovers stayed the rest of the week to prepare, planning to leave on Monday.

Timothy sighs after stuffing his backpack with all the clothes and other necessities that can fit in it. He sits on his bed and looks at his bedroom, feeling a little sad that he isn't staying here as long as he would have liked. Timothy's journeys as a trainer have taken their toll when it comes to spending time in the one place he has always called home. Ever since Grandma Judy passed away, a part of him wished he could stay in this small house in Pallet Town for as long as he wants just to try to preserve the feeling of home that feels empty without her.

Suddenly, he hears a knock on his door, and he lets out another sigh before he puts on his backpack and opens the door where Coovers is already packed and is holding the container with the Pokemon egg in it.

"All set?" Coovers asks. "We need to reach Viridian City before dark."

"Yeah, I'm good," Timothy answers.

The older man nods, and they both make their way downstairs, where Electchu is waiting for them. Troy and Johnathan already said their goodbyes before going to work this morning, so the two trainers decided to leave as soon as they're packed.

"Well, you ready for another journey all around Kanto, pal?" Timothy asks Electchu.

"Raichu," Electchu says determinedly.

"Alright then, let's go stop Team Rocket," Coovers says proudly before he opens the door, and they exit the house with Timothy locking the door behind them.

They make their way out of Pallet Town silently for several minutes until Coovers clears his throat.

"So..." he begins. "What do you think Brandon and the other Frontier Brains are going to be like?"

"Who knows?" Timothy says. "I'm sure if we asked Scott, he'd go on about how tough all of them are, but that wouldn't be telling us much."

"Because it's a vague thing to say?" Coovers asks.

"That, and everyone makes that claim," Timothy says, turning to his friend with a smirk. "Whether it's a gym leader, Elite Four member or some ignorant schmuck who feels proud of his collection of little water or bug type Pokemon, someone claims that they're too tough for you to beat. Sometimes they're right; other times, they're wrong, but you're never going to know for sure until you battle them."

"So basically actions speak louder than words," Coovers says in understanding.

"Exactly," Timothy says. "Once you've won and lost battles many times as I have, you'll find such talk to be as useful as a Magikarp out of water. Right, Electchu?"

"Raichu!" Electchu says, nodding.

Coovers nods back and remains silent as they walk until he decides to look back at the town that is growing smaller and smaller.

"Still, I hope there will be more for you to gain than just helping me find Brandon and the Gieldanstone," he says. "If there's anything about Pokemon and Pokemon battling that may be important to learn that you haven't already, I'd like for you to learn it."

"Hmmm," Timothy replies without looking at his friend.

"Do you think Ash will follow through with his promise to compete in the Kanto League?" Coovers asks.

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