Chapter 62

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Looker has been working comfortably in his desk ever since he left the Battle Pyramid with the Gieldanstone. It wasn't easy writing his report on what happened to his superiors when he had to leave out everything revolving around Mewtwo to keep the Pokemon's trust. When they summoned him to explain the report in further detail, it took a lot of persuasion to get them to understand that the identity of the third party who assisted him, Coovers, Timothy, and Brandon has to be kept a secret. In the end, they accepted that the important thing is that the Gieldanstone is safe inside the International Police headquarters, and Team Rocket doesn't even remember that the jewel exists.

Suddenly, there is a knock on the door, and Looker looks up from his papers.

"Come in," he says.

The door opens to reveal a tall skinny man with round glasses entering the room.

"Ah, Dutch, what can I do for you?" Looker asks politely.

"Sorry to bother you, sir," the man named Dutch says. "I just thought I'd introduce you to one of our new interns. I was just asked to show her around."

Looker looks behind Dutch to see a woman with short blonde hair that hangs into two long curls on both sides. She stares at Looker with a bubbly smile as she plays with her fingers nervously.

"H-hi, Mr. Looker," she says nervously. "Nice to meet you. I've heard a lot about you."

Looker stands up and gives the woman a friendly smile.

"Nice to meet you too," he says. "Now, if I remember correctly from the memo, your name is Tabatha?"

"Oh, just call me Tabby. Everyone does," Tabatha says with a cute smile.

"Very well, Tabby," Looker says. "It's good to see new blood in this place. The International Police is always looking for new members to join our cause to protect the world."

"And I would love to be a part of that, sir," Tabby says with her hands behind her back.

"That's good to hear," Looker says.

Tabatha hesitates before she takes a step closer to Looker and says, "You know, I heard you went on a big mission recently with the guy who defeated the bi-regional champion."

"Tabby!" Dutch exclaims. "That's top-secret information!"

"Oops," Tabatha says absent-mindedly. "Sorry, I didn't know."

"It's alright, Tabby," Looker says calmly. "But Dutch is right. That is strictly top secret information. It's better that what you've heard is all you know about that particular mission. Understood?"

"Yes, sir!" Tabitha says, immediately giving Looker a salute.

The older man chuckles at the woman's energy and waves his hand.

"At ease, youngster," he says. "Now continue showing her around, Dutch."

"Yes, sir," Dutch says, trying to sound professional.

The two younger adults exit Looker's office, leaving the old man to shake his head in amusement.

"Ah, to be young," Looker mutters to himself as he sits back down.

As he goes back to filling out his paperwork, his mind starts to drift. He thinks about all of the times Ash and his friends had helped him when he was on a mission somewhere in the Sinnoh and Unova regions. As he thinks about the raven-haired boy, he stops writing and puts his hand on his coat pocket, where he is keeping the stone that Mewtwo gave him. The older man's smile grows slightly as he thinks about how funny it is that Ash somewhat helped him again by being both his friend and Mewtwo's.

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