Chapter 16

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By the time Serena, Dawn, May, Max, Brock, Pikachu, and Piplup make it to the front entrance to the Cerulean City gym, Ash and Max are panting and claiming who won. Serena shakes her head, amused by Ash's childish behavior while Brock calms the two boys down, and the entire group enters together. They make their way through the entrance hall, where they see a giant swimming pool with a set of platforms floating on it.

"Hey, Misty, are you here?" Ash calls out.

Nothing is heard but an echo from Ash's call. Everyone starts to think that no one is here when a door opens on the other side to reveal a girl with orange hair entering the arena and looking around in confusion until she sees the group and smiles.

"Ash! Pikachu! Brock! May! Max!" She shouts as she runs over to the group. Pikachu jumps high off from Ash's shoulder, and the girl catches it and spins Pikachu around in a tight hug. Ash, Brock, May, and Max smile warmly at the moment as they walk over to greet the girl. Dawn, Piplup, and Serena wait patiently, glad to see the happy reunion until the orange-haired girl notices them.

"Oh, I'm sorry," she says politely as she walks over to them. "I didn't notice you two were there. My name is Misty."

"My name is Dawn, and this is my partner, Piplup," Dawn introduces.

"Piplup," Piplup chirps.

"And I'm Serena. Nice to meet you," Serena greets warmly. "I've heard a lot about you from Ash and Brock, Misty."

"Oh, you have, have you?" Misty asks with a suspicious look. "Anything bad I should know about?"

"" Serena answers nervously.

"Good," Misty says with her smile returning. "Otherwise, I'd have to teach these two a lesson about trying to mess with me. Anyway, how do you guys know everyone else?"

"I went through the Sinnoh region with Ash and Brock, and I met May at the Wallace Cup," Dawn says.

"And I've known Ash since we met each other in summer camp when we were little," Serena says.

Misty looks at Serena, confused.

"You've known him that long?" She asks. "Funny, I don't think he's ever mentioned you."

Serena winces slightly before she chuckles nervously.

"Yeah, he seemed to have forgotten all about me until we saw each other again in the Kalos region," she admits.

Misty smirks and says, "Well, Ash has always had a knack for thinking more about Pokemon or going on a journey."

"I agree," Serena says. "It would explain why I never heard about you when we were in Kalos."

Misty glares at Serena, and the honey blonde becomes uneasy. After a moment, Misty suddenly laughs, making Serena awkwardly laugh with her.

"Well played," Misty says. "And you're right. That would explain why Mr. Forgetful wouldn't mention you to his most loyal companion."

"Hey!" Ash says with a mouthful face.

Everyone else laughs at his reaction until Misty turns to the rest of the group and asks, "So what are you guys doing here?"

"Well, Dawn, Serena, and I just registered for the Pokemon contest here," May says.

"And now that I'm a Pokemon trainer, I want to have a gym battle with you," Max says.

"Hey, I want to have a battle first," Ash says, childishly.

"But, Ash, you already have your gym badge here," Misty says, confused.

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