Chapter 44

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For the last several days, Ash, Pikachu, Brock, Holly, Dawn, Piplup, Timothy, Coovers, and Electchu have been relaxing on the ferry to Cremini Town. Serena, however, has been working nonstop with her Pokemon ever since her double battle with Timothy. While everyone is either in the ship's swimming pool or playing with their Pokemon, Serena and her Pokemon have been practicing in a part of the ship far from everyone else. The most the group sees of her and her party is when she's joining them for meals or going to sleep in the room she shares with Dawn and Holly.

It is early morning, and Ash and Serena are running laps around the ship with Pikachu, Oshawott, Servine, Gabite, Primeape, Braixen, Pancham, Sylveon, Poliwag, and Absol after having breakfast. Serena is wearing sweatpants and a pink shirt and is leading the group, blowing a whistle as she runs. Pikachu is running next to Ash while the other Pokemon run behind with Primeape in the back, practicing punches. Gigalith stands at the front of the ship, setting itself as the starting point because of it's new, heavy body.

After over a half an hour of running around the ship, Serena, Ash, and their Pokemon run by Gigalith one final time before Serena turns to the group and says, "And stop." All of the Pokemon plummet to the ground in relief except for Gabite and Primeape, who remain standing, ready to do more. Ash and Serena take out their water bottles from their backpacks lying next to Gigalith and drink a few gulps of water. When she finishes, Serena wipes her mouth and turns to her Pokemon.

"Awesome job, everyone," she says. "Now that we're all warmed up, that contest ribbon is as good as ours."

All five of her Pokemon cheer happily while Ash also speaks to his Pokemon.

"You guys did great too," he says before turning to Gabite and Primeape. "You guys especially look pretty pumped today, aren't you?"

"Gabite," Gabite replies with a cheerful grin.

"Prime!" Primeape shrieks while doing air punches.

"So you're still practicing for a rematch against Odyssey, right, Primeape?" Ash says.

"Primeape!" Primeape shouts again, stomping on its feet.

The raven-haired boy grins at his Pokemon and pats it on the back.

"I don't blame you," he says calmly. "Odyssey is a very strong opponent, and it's clear you have a rival that you want to prove you are superior against just like me with Timothy. Don't worry though, you'll beat Odyssey at the Indigo League. And Pikachu, we're gonna work hard so that you beat Electchu too."

"Pika!" Pikachu says with a determined grin.

Ash smiles at his dear friends and Serena smiles at him fondly. It always warms her heart to see him so positive with his Pokemon. Suddenly, the ship's whistle is heard loudly, and Ash, Serena, and their Pokemon hear someone speaking through the speakers.

"Attention passengers, this is your captain speaking," The captain says. "We are about ten minutes away from reaching Cremini Town. Please be sure to bring all of your belongings when the ship has come to a complete stop. Thank you for sailing with us."

Ash and Serena smile and run over to the railing at the front of the ship. Sure enough, they can see land in the distance and at the center of it lies the several buildings and houses.

"Alright, Cremini Town!" Serena says excitedly. "Time for me to get my last ribbon. Whether I have to double battle at the battle stage or not, I'm winning that ribbon."

"I know you are, Serena," Ash says with a warm smile. "And I'm going to cheer for you with everything I've got. We all will. Right, Pikachu?"

"Pikachu!" Pikachu says with a nod.

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