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Madi's POV

'Come on Madi get up you slut!' my foster mum Beth called. 

I'm 16 and still living here with my evil foster parents. There's no silver lining of what they do. They beat me and bully me. End of. I'm used to it now.

I got out of bed and grabbed some clothes to put on. A black MCR tshirt, black destroyer jeans and red high top converses. I went over to my desk which was scattered with make up, straighteners, curlers, drawings, song lyrics, guitar picks, spare guitar strings and other random things. I applied my eyeliner thickly and foundation and compact to hide my bruises. I put on a zip up hoodie to hide my bruised arms and left it unzipped.

I walked downstairs into the kitchen and sat down. 

'Eww there's filth on the table!' my foster dad Eric whined, grinning evilly, 'we need to clean it!' 

I heard footsteps behind me then the next thing I knew I had boiling water on me. I fell to the floor screaming in agony, I writhed in pain. I looked up and saw Eric and Beth laughing. 

'All clean now,' Beth laughed. 

The last thing I heard before I blacked out was 

'As soon as you wake up get out bitch. Night night.'

I woke up on the doorstep surrounded by my things. At least they had the decency to do that. I looked in my bag and checked for my phone, iPod and money. Surprisingly there was over £500 in there. Wow.

I stood up and looked around, it was dark but lots of people were around. They were in a queue I think. I grabbed my bag and made my way over to the queue. 

'Hey do you know what's going on?' I asked a boy. I noticed that he was also wearing an MCR shirt. 

He looked down at my tshirt and back up at my face. 

'Im queuing up for the the MCR concert. Aren't you?' he asked, 'I mean you're wearing an MCR shirt?'


'Oh umm no I'm not,' I needed an excuse so I didn't look stupid, 'I couldn't afford it and then forgot it was happening. Thanks.' 

I walked away quickly before he could reply.

Soon the doors opened and everyone went inside. I sat in a bench near the doors and listened.

A song I recognised started to play, it wasn't an MCR song so it must have been the opening band. Once the opening band finished, the lead singer shouted, 'ARE YOU READY FOR MY CHEMICAL ROMANCEEEEEE?' 

The crowd screamed and cheered and stamped so in guessing that meant yes.

The cheering continued and suddenly the music The End came on. I imagined Gerard being wheeled out on the hospital bed and then sitting up and singing. I imagined Ray head banging and his 'fro flying everywhere. I imagined Bob smashing the hell out of the drums. I imagined Mikey and his awkward knees at the back of the stage as he played bass. And I imagined Frank on the floor playing guitar wildly or kissing Gerard.

Oh Frerard.

Not many people knew this but Frank has a brother called Jay, and Jay is married to Jamia but everyone thought Frank was. Jay is in his 30's and Frank is actually only 21. I know this because Frank put it on the MCR website once and took it down after 10 minutes. I don't know why but he probably only wanted true fans who were looking at the website then to see it.

I sat there in the cold, freezing because of the water for another hour and a half listening to the concert. I saw the doors open again and everyone coming out covered in sweat. They firmed a tunnel shape at the door so they could meet MCR.

I moved out of the way and leant against the tree a couple of yards away. I couldn't see the doors but I could tell MCR had appeared when the shouting and screaming went wild.

The signing and meeting went on for about 10 minutes and then MCR emerged from the end of the 'tunnel.'

Bob, then Gerard, then Ray, then Mikey, then him. My favourite of them all, the most passionate one, the smallest one, the most energetic one, the cutest one. Frankie.

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