Haha Just Kidding Here's an Epilogue

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"There's a little tale I'd like to tell you, Jungkook."

Little five year old Jungkook put his dinosaur toy down and turned around with a big smile on his face. "A story!?" He asked wildly. He wore a goofy grin as he hurried over to his father and made grabby hands to be picked up. His father laughed and followed suit, picking up his child.

Hoseok and Yoongi and Jimin, ages eight, nine, and seven, all gathered around Jungkook's father in a circle. They wanted to hear the story too.

"It's a love story," the old man stated. Yoongi made an 'ew' face and stuck his tongue out, suddenly disinterested and tried to walk away. Hoseok grabbed his hand and dragged him down. "No, you gotta year this with me," He said with bright eyes. Yoongi groaned and sat down grudgingly next to the happy boy. Jimin giggled cutely at the two and scooted closer to Jungkook's father to hear the story better. Yoongi sighed and looked at Jimin with heart eyes, settling down comfortably to listen as well.

Jungkook looked only at his father, waiting to hear the story. His eyes shone and his smile widened as his father chuckled and opened his mouth to speak.

"Once upon a time, there was a group of three best friends," he began with a new story-telling tone. "All of them a little older than nineteen and twenty years old. Two of them loved the same woman. The last of them pined after another. Their names were Hyojin, EunHo, and Jeongyeol.

"The smartest of the two was Hyojin. He loved a woman and tried to make her fall in love with him, but he soon found out that she was in love with someone else. He believed that she loved Jeongyeol. He grew jealous of that friend and left the group to find new ways to impress the girl and win her over. He joined the Hemocalvos

"The most handsome of the three, EunHo, was in love with a woman named Eunjae. She was a beautiful woman who believed in good. She fell in love with the youngest of the three, Jeongyeol. He loved her too.

"The other woman, the one that Hyojin fell in love with, was call GaEul. GaEul was special. She was said to have come from a long line of powerful people descended from a god in days of old. It was said that the god had passed some of his powers through the family and GaEul had them. The powers were magical tears that could heal any wound that wasn't on herself, and-"

"Wait," Jungkook said. "Her tears could heal any wound?"

Jungkook's father chuckled. "Yes, Jungkook. Any wound."

"Even gunshot wounds?" Jimin asked, totally amazed. Jungkook's father nodded, grinning at the little ones' reactions.

"Now, back to the story. Another power said to have been passed down was the ability to tell the future. To almost feel what was going to happen. That one was just a myth of course, but the tears were real. Very real.

"GaEul fell in love with another man in the SavageTooth gang and married him. Hyojin didn't know who the man was that she fell in love with, so he thought it was his friend. Jeongyeol tried to tell him that it was another man, but to no avail. Their friendship was officially over, and they hated each other ever since."

Jungkook and Jimin both gasped. "Wait but Jeongyeol didn't love her right?" Jimin asked. Jungkook's father shook his head. "Nope, Hyojin only thought he did."

Jungkook frowned and shook his head disapprovingly. "I thought Hyojin was the smart one," he complained. "Why does he think the girl likes Jeongyeol?"

Jungkook's father chuckled. "There are many factors of the story that remain a mystery to this day," he said. "Let's continue."

The two shocked boys closed their mouths and sat up straight, wanting to hear the next part immediately. Yoongi scoffed at their excitement and Hoseok only sat silently, waiting for Jungkook's father to continue.

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