The Fairy House

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I remember that it was at this time that I got myself my black and silver leather jacket.

It was open house night for the school. This meant that we were coming back to school in the evening hours to show our families our classrooms. I personally thought that this was really pointless because my mom and sister both worked at the school already.
Luke, Ripley, and Owen no longer attended SMA. The LG consisted of only Jess, Matthew, Wolfie, and myself. I felt that we needed someone new. And since my sister was my teacher, I made an effort to change her classroom's seating chart. The new kid, Duke, was put at our table for the first trimester, soon becoming a part of the LG. At the time, I thought he made a great addition.
One fall day during class, we were extremely bored. Even when we would finish our assignments, we still had to wait for the slower kids to catch up. This was when Jess made us all laugh by telling us about a video on the internet.
He told us and later showed us a video of a triggered man giving the viewers some rather ridiculous "life hacks". I was pretty sure that the video was meant to be a joke because I really hoped no one was actually that nuts.
The video at one point said: "Is your neighbor being too noisy? JUST FUCKING KILL HIM!"
I don't even know why we found something like that so funny to hear about. But it just made us all laugh. Not because we were serial killers in the making or something ridiculous like that, but just because of how outrageous and extreme the whole thing was. Like the dude seriously needed to chill.
Our laughs about the video helped us to pass the time until it was time for our break. Wolfie and Duke were on the nearby swings when Jess, Matthew, and I went walking by the school fence. That was where we saw a magnificent rock-like structure. We all gazed in awe at it, before Jess went and knocked out one of the posts causing part of the build to collapse.
I immediately asked Jess what on earth he was doing when he explained that we should destroy it. Matthew, loving chaos, was totally in. I was quite skeptical at first when I thought about all the work that was probably put into this. But after thinking it over for just few seconds, I figured, "Ah, what's the harm?"
So there we went. I smashed the sides, causing the walls to crumble. Matthew pulled out every post until it was just a pile of rocks and wood. Jess at last picked up the biggest rock that he could find and threw it down, smashing the whole pile into debris.
We all screamed and took out our frustration on it when we were stopped by the principal of the school. "WHAT ARE YOU GUYS DOING?" He yelled.
"What are you talking about?" Matthew asked while playing dumb.
"YOU KNOW WHAT I'M TALKING ABOUT!" The principal yelled again.
The principal made us sit along the planters until he figured out what to do. With Jess and Matthew upset about what had just happened, I tried to lighten the mood by making them laugh. I pulled a folded up homework assignment out of my leather jacket pocket. I turned it over and started writing on the back.
After I was done writing, a part of it read: "Is the principal being shitty?? JUST FUCKING KILL HIM!"
That sure got a good laugh out of Jess and Matthew. Shortly after, Duke and Wolfie came over. They were sad that we couldn't hang out with them because we were in trouble, but they found the joke I wrote on the paper funny. In fact, they found it so funny that Duke wanted to keep it. So I let him. Duke shoved the piece of paper into his back pocket and darted with Wolfie when they noticed the principal coming back.
Oddly, he told us that we needed to follow him. Nervously, we stood up and began walking behind him. We walked all the way across the school, until he opened the door to a classroom for some of the younger students.
Inside, were quite a few kids who looked happy.
"Now which one of you is gonna say what happened?" The principal asked, pointing directly toward one little girl.
I looked over at Jess and Matthew who did not look like they wanted to tell these kids. So I decided to volunteer. I told the kids that we destroyed the rock structure over by the fence. I watched the smiles on their faces slowly disappear.
"That was our Fairy House..." Said the little girl. My heart broke as she spoke those words. I broke a little kid's imagination by listening to Jess. I thought about what had happened all through open house. I hated myself that day.

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