Sixth Year

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Lily sat down at the house table for the welcoming feast. The first years were sorted and Dumbledore said a few words. The usual stuff about where was out of bounds and professors that had changed.

A few minutes into Dumbledore's speech, one of the first years started whispering and giggling with the person next to them.
'Hey,' came a voice, 'shut it, you two, the Headmaster's talking, show some respect.'

Lily turned, to see Potter looking at the first years with a stern expression. Since when had he cared about rule breaking? Since when had he not encouraged it?

Once everyone was eating she turned to him, 'When have you ever respected the speech?'
'Just now.'

Lily suddenly realised that she had been a full day in the proximity of Potter and he hadn't asked her out once.
She puzzled over this.

'Who are you and what have done with James Potter?'
He just smiled at her.
'I've decided to try being responsible. Go to Hogsmeade with me?'
'There you are. But no.'
'Evans, I swear, I will not hex, trip over, or prank anyone in any way, this year.'
'If I believe that, I'll believe anything.'
'Lilyflower, you must like me a little bit.'
'Nope. Quiet the opposite. I utterly despise you. Anyone in this hall will vouch for me, I am sure.'

Potter sighed and looked down at his plate.
Lily turned back to her conversation with Alice about this year's teachers.


Throughout the next term, Potter started being responsible. Unbelievable. He helped lost first years, called out rule breaking, and did not prank a single person, to Lily's knowledge.

She was slightly confused as to what could have happened to have prevoked this change, but it wasn't like she was complaining.

One evening in the library, she and Remus were studying for a test.
Two girls was giggling in the corner and Madam Pince was glaring daggers at them.

'Quiet, there are people trying to study in here,' came a voice.
Lily somehow knew exactly who it was. She looked up to see Potter, grinning lopsidedly down at her, and smiled halfheartedly in thanks.

'So, Evans,' he whispered, 'is there a test coming up?'
'Yes, in Transfiguration.'
'What? When did this happen?'
'She told us a week ago. It's tomorrow.'
'Ok. I'd better get started on that. Want to revise over a butterbeer, on a date?'
'No, Potter, you are still the last person on earth that I would go out with.'

He bit his lip, nodded, and walked out of the door.
Remus sighed.

'You shouldn't be so hard on him. How would you feel if the person you were in love with kept telling you that they hated you?'
'He's not in love with me.'
'I wouldn't be so sure.'
'He's obsessed with making me go out with him, because I keep refusing. I'm like a challenge to him.'
'Lily, I can't let you believe that. James is in love with you, whether you like it or not.'

Lily knitted her eyebrows together. She hadn't ever thought of that as a possiblity.


One evening in the common room, the marauders were discussing the Christmas Hogsmeade trip.

'So, Wormtail. It's just you and the sweets again, huh?'
'Of, course, that's how he likes it.'
'Ok then, Prongs, going to try Lily again?'
'So, yes, then.'
'What about you, Moony?'
'I'm sure Sirius is free.'
'What, Padfoot? It's true.'

The armchair Sirius and Remus were sharing suddenly seemed much smaller.
Remus glanced at Sirius, a wild idea flashing in his mind. Was James trying to set them up? Did Sirius like him? Did James know?

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