Chpt 6🕹

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f/l/y/nwendy: waiwaiwaiwait what

jromeo: shh were about to take off, see you in Italy😗

jromeo is now offline

you turn to sophia and show her the messages and you guys frantically look around. Erin asked why you guys are being so weird and you showed her the messages too.

"I bet theyre laughing at us from afar" Sophia said

"Ok so who leaked our plan b?" you say as you guys look at each other then you and sophia both looked at erin

"Hey, it wasnt me i kept my distance with wyatt all week because i know i wouldve said something" she says defending herself. They both look at you now

"I couldnt have hung out with them, or else you guys wouldve seen me on the internet again" its true after that one meetup you guys havent met in real life ever since. Now you and erin both looked at sophia

"Ok yes i was with the boys all week, but! Its not like i tell them anything and i had no choice but to hang out with them since there were photoshoots and meet and greets" its true everything sophia said was true, we trusted each other because in the 7 days we were waiting for today to happen all three of us couldnt stop texting about it.

"Wait! All week we were texting right? Sophia did you have your phone on you for the whole 7 week?" you ask her after you've figuring out how the boys found out

"Yeah except photoshoots because were not allowed... ohhh" sophia started to get quieter after each words finally realizing what happened

"darn those eavesdroppers" erin mumbled

"well i guess we'll see those eavesdroppers as sokn as we land" you say as you guys take off. It was a really long flight you guys passed time by watching movies together, eating meals together and finally sleeping. Erin woke up first and finds the boys taking picture of you guys she opened her mouth and the boys shushed her. Then sophia woke up and the same thing happened. After a few pictures you started to wake up, the boys scattered and the girls pretended to have just woken up too. At the same time the pilot announced that you guys were finally in Italy! You three looked at each other and screamed. Got yelled at but that doesnt matter.

"Ughh finallyyy" you say stretching and someone tapped your shoulder. You quickly look behind you and it was Jaeden smiling ear to ear. You blush as you see him. Even though, he did read sophia's messages and eavesdropped. Jack quickly follows behind him.

"Oh- am i interrupting something?" Jack stopped running and stopped in the middle of you too. You guys both blush and quickly say nothing at the same time. The rest were coming behind you guys. Finn came and put his hands around you and jack.

"Come on guys im hungryyy" finn says walking with his hand still around you two

"Hey when'd you three get so close?" jaeden says sounding worried

"Well.. jack told me more about y/n and shes exactly my type" you blush at what finn just said.

"w-what?" you say looking up at him, he quickly said nothing and continued walking with you. Jaeden walked faster and next to you.

 Jaeden walked faster and next to you

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Later than Evening

you guys stayed in a hotel room all day since going out they would get noticed too much. Eventually after all the room service food you guys had you decided it was time for games.

"TRUTH OR DARE" yelled Sophia

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