Chpt 9🕹

872 14 5

you were about to answer when once again you got interrupted, the door closed behind you two.

"what the f-" jaeden was about to swear when he looks at you and remembers how you dont like swearing. you were glaring at him because in the hotel downstairs there was a swear jar and it was pretty full.

"we should call for help" you suggest and you guys take out your phone

"no service" he says. jaeden groans and goes closer to the door trying go open it

"hey theres like 1 service bar here" he says and you come to him. you guys plopped down sitting next to the door. trying go text the group.


jaejae guysss

y/n guyss theres

a bit of trouble

choochoo what are you
guys doing up so late

jaejae its a long story

so💕phia i just checked the beds
where are you guys?

y/n well were at the roof

finnie guys shh
yall are gonna ruin my plan

jaejae uhh what plan

jackiechan dude you actually
did it? you said it was just a joke

y/n excuse me what plan

jackiechan sIGH its a long story

jaejae well can someone
get us and then explain

finnie no! dont! the plan is
going well

jackiechan ok but for the
plan to finish they need to

so💕phia theyre gonna talk
about sex!?

jackechan wait what no, gf
and bf talk

er💕in ohh whatd i miss

olaf scroll up b

er💕in ugh finee

choochoo wait wyatt was here?

jackiechan guys shut up they
need to talk

you put your phone down and so did jaeden

"pfft those are dumb nicknames on your phone" he chuckles nervously

"well.. so the answer is uhh, well i mean your famous and.." he sighs thinking he knows the answer

".. i dont want your fans to be all sad, but i really like you jaeden and-" he stopped you there and hugs you

"waitt,, is that a yes or?" he asks

"pfft yeah dUH" he jumped up and went on his phone


jaejae i did it!

y/n now come open the
door its frickin cold

finnie finee im coming

not even a few seconds after, finn opens the door

"have you been there all this time?" jaeden asks finn

"yeahhh we were eavesdropping" finn answered

"we?" you ask concern and finn points to everybody behind him except jeremy because he's babie and is still sleeping. sophia and erin turned their phone volume up and all you could hear was you and jaeden's conversation. you both blush as you guys all walk down the hallway.

"wait so that figure i saw?" you tell them

"it was just me, i was tryna slip a 'love letter' from jaeden so you'll wake up and see it" finn finally admitted

"yeah but then you woke up" jack says

you guys get back to your rooms and went to sleep. you had a peaceful night. and when you woke up it was time for their panels. you thought about it, and realized.. how will jaeden's fans react that you will be there? will jaeden tell them? did they find out because of the post? and if so how will they react after seeing the post? either way you prepare yourself for all the hate your about to get.

A/N: heres 'the post'

A/N: heres 'the post'

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