Chpt 7🕹

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"i dont really like truth or dare,,, butttt i guess i'll play" you said after sophia yeleld truth or dare

"if y/n is playing then i'm playing" finn says after you

"ok then whos going first-" sophia qas trying to say before getting interrupted by jaeden

"Finn, truth or dare?" jaeden said quickly after hearing what finn said before

"hmmm truth" finn says knowing exactly what jaeden was gonna ask

"is y/n really your type" jaeden says to finn as everybody is 'ooo' ing at the back. Finn looked at you and you blush

"yeah, i mean come on just look at her she's sweet, gets flustered a lot which is rlly cute by the way, and she plays minecraft" finn says while looking at you. Jaeden was glaring at finn, but of course you didnt notice because you were too busy staring down as finn listed the things he liked about you

"You guys would be cute, but i dont ship it" erin said suddenly, you look up and laugh

"Oh yeah? Then who do you ship me with?" you ask erin

"i cant say i never picked truth and your not even asking" she says sticking her tongue out at you, you kiddingly glare at her across the circle that you 9 were in. She laughed and so did you. Truth or dare went on and there were so many weird dares like going to the lobby and dancing infront of the receptionist or jumping in the pool that was outside. There was also some tmi truths, like who's your first kiss or who in the circle would you date. That was easy for wyatt and erin, of course they would pick each other. So instead, chosen asks you that question.

"So?? Y/n who would it be?" chosen said repeating his question

"Uhh ig.. sophia? i mean i connect w her a lot and she's really pretty" she kiddingly winks at you and you give her finger guns. You both laugh and jaeden kinda looked sad. Erin notices.

"Quick y/n ask me truth or dare!" she says loudly so you can hear her over you and sophia's laughter. You obey her and ask her truth or dare. She says truth. You couldnt think of anything so you ask the others, erin whispered you something.

"Erin, am i really gonna ask you a question that you gave yourself?" you look at her and she nods ",ok fine who do you ship me with?"

"Ok, soo..." she says so as long as she can to keep it suspenseful "jaeden! dUH you guys are perfect for each other, first off who is the only person in this circle that has posted about you TWICE may i add, wait no THRICE, and you guys are both weebs and-" erin could've went on and on but you were already as red as you could be, so you laugh nervously aloud interrupting her

"ahaha wow yeah im getting so tired now" you say yawning and stretching

"y-yeah same," jaeden says ",and its getting kinda late guys"

"well you guys are party poopers," sophia says ",you two can go in the other room and sleep if you guys want but the party shall continue!!" sophia yelled and everyone shushed her

"sure, i'll go too, i'm gettin tired too" finn says standing up from the circle

"erin or sophia, arent you too getting tired?" you asked them nervous that you'll be left with those two. They look at each other, smirks and then looks at you and shakes their head.

"come on y/n, you'll be fine i trust that they wont do anything" sophia says glaring at them as they nod. You three walked to the other room

"okay well since theres only two beds, you can have your own" jaeden says

"thanks jaeden" you say smiling at him, he blushes and smiles back. You go into the bathroom to change into your pajamas. Then you let the two change before you do your night routine. You do yor night routine and jump into the soft hotel bed

"Ok, well im going to sleep, good night yall" you as you put the blanket over you, they say goodnight back and you eventually fell asleep.

"so you really like her huh?" jaeden asks finn after checking if you're really asleep

"no, i mean yeah but im not the type of person to steal my best friend's crush." finn says calming jaeden down

"then why'd you say all that?" jaeden asks about the truth that he answered earlier

"i dont know, i thought that maybe if i said all that stuff you would get mad and just yell your feelings for her" finn answered

"well then i guess i have no competition" jaeden says to himself

"except yourself," finn says ",dude come on you need to make more moves"

"yeah but im just nervous and scared that she doesnt like me like that"

"well...," finn says slowly

"what did she tell you?" jaeden asks eagerly

"i mean im not allowed to say but,, she might have a crush on-"

"finn, no!" you yell before letting finn finish and turn to them clearly not asleep

A/N: i really wanna put pictures on every chapter and i dont rlly know where to put this, sooo just have this instagram post

A/N: i really wanna put pictures on every chapter and i dont rlly know where to put this, sooo just have this instagram post

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