Chpt 13🕹

830 19 13

a few days, or weeks or months pass by and its finally your birthday. everyone was excited because they were throwing you a party with everyones parent(s) invited, everyone was having fun, angela was talking to your parent(s) and they were getting along so well.

jaeden puts his hand out indicating you go with him, so you reached for his hand and he pulls you. dragging you to his room so that you guys can clib out the window and breathe in fresh air. you guys sat on the rooftop sitting next to each other.

"happy birthday y/n" jaeden says to you smiling. you blush and say thanks

"gosh your so old alrdy!" he says teasing you and you push his arm kiddingly but then holds onto his arms since you forgot you guys were on the roof. you guys both laugh out loud and he takes your hand and puts it in his pocket since it was getting chilly.

"arent you cold, y/n?" he asks you, you nod slightly he smiles and takes his sweater off giving it to you. you wear it and he looks at you fondly, you smile but then start to frown after a thought popped in your head.

"hey jae, what's gonna happen after you guys post that paragraph" you look at him

"wends you'll be fine," he puts his hand around your shoulder and lays your head on his shoulder. ", if it gets too bad we'll protect you" you felt his warmth and his soft aura and you felt really safe. suddenly a flash came from behind you. you lift your head from his shoulder.

"jeremy turn your flash off"

"you just ruined our plan"

"sorry i dont know how to turn it off"

you and jaeden look back and see the rest of the gang there, they smile nervously and wave, you guys both roll your eyes jokingly and they leave the room backing up. you hear whispers as the door close and they go back downstairs. you turn to each other and laugh.

"oh i almost forgot," he reaches into his back pocket and took out a small box. you tilt your head and he takes the hand he was holding and let's go, putting the gift on your hand

"awe, jae" you say looking at the tiny box in your hand

"well, go on, open it" he says softly looking at your face that he saw no flaws in. you open it and tried not to cry as you look at the small ring that had yours and his initials in it with the date and time you guys first met in real life

"you're so dumb for this" you said in a shaky voice still trying not to cry as you put the ring on your finger and it was a perfect fit. he held your hand and he shows that he has the exact same. he laughs softly and kisses your hand

"i love you wends" he says looking up at you

"i love you too jae" you say back

"we should go before our parent(s) get the wrong idea" he says and you laugh nodding. He let's you go back in first and you guys go back downstairs

"finally you guys, we were wondering where you went" sophia said

"oh you guys knew exactly where we were, you eavesdroppers" you say glaring at sophia jokingly

"yeah, stupid jeremy forgot to turn his flash off" chosen said elbowing jeremy, you guys laugh and hung out for the rest of the evening. soon the adults had to leave since they all had work tomorrow, jaeden's mom let you guys stay at the house while she stays at her friend's. you guys started to just chill and watch movies

"sooo, when are we doing it" finn blurted out

"uhh what?" chosen asked

"the paragraph!" finn replied, and everyone sighed ",wowww you guys are dirty minded freaks"

"you wouldve thought the same thing, shut up" jack responds

"hey ! no i would nOt have" finn says but everyone knows otherwise

"until erin gets here" wyatt insisted, everyone all rolled their eyes kiddingly since they all love erin. as if planned the doorbell rang and wyatt opened it to see it was erin, you guys led her inside and you, sophia, and erin all go on the couch and cuddle

"so what should we do?" erin asked

"the paragraph dude" wyatt responded "dUh"

"oh right, so,, on our story?" erin asked another stupud question, as they already all planned this

"yes," sophia responded this time ",now y/n dont look because this will be a surprise" erin pushed you out of the blanket and they laugh

"wowow ok ok i see" you pout and move to the other side of the couch. after a few minutes they all finish

"ok ready?," jaeden looked around as everyone nods, he holds your hand with one of his hands, "ok 3, 2, 1!" he said and pressed post with his other hand, as the rest follows. as expected it blew up and people were already reposting and giving their opinion. surprisingly there was a lot of positive comments there was still negative but there were a lot more positives. you smiled and looked around you seeing all the people that loved and cared about you, which almost made you tear up again. jaeden notices and chuckles at you calling you dumb. sophia told him to shut up and erin pulls you back to the cuddle

"hey! give her back she's not yours !" jaeden takes your hand and hold onto it, as erin holds the other side

"excuse me, i was the matchmaker" jack says holding onto your leg

"technicallyyy it was me who made them talk abt it" finn says and holds onto your other leg

"uhh guys is y/n okay?" jeremy says

"actually guys, i think I might have to choose the cHoSEn one" you say referring to chosen

"eXcuse me!" jaeden says

"i told yall i was a lady magnet" chosen said jokingly and winking at you. everyone rolls their eyes

"anywayss, what movie should we watch," erin asked and turns to sophia "what do you think sophia-"

everyone turned to see why erin stopped, but all we could see was sophia sleeping heavily

"yOu guys know what this means!" jack says


"ohh we can draw on her face" finn says figuring out what jack means

"no guysss dont do that" you say trying to stop them

"too late!"chosen said joining the two

"wow chosen i expected better from you" you say shaking your head

"oops sorry mOm" chosen said, sassing  you. soon everyone joined in drawing on sophia's face but you and jaeden didnt because you guys are civilized people. you put your head on his shoulders and you guys cuddle

"hey wends i just want you to know that i love you and im so lucky that i have you in my lif-" he looks at you and you're fast asleep on his shoulders. he smiles looking at you fondly, he kisses your forehead and watches the others write on each other with sharpies


A/N: There will be a christmas special uploaded on christmas day

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A/N: There will be a christmas special uploaded on christmas day.  my present to you for 1k views,, wow didnt think this would blow up thanks. UHH QUESTION ! which cast member should I do next. also i can do their characters too ! thx for reading see u christmas

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 22, 2019 ⏰

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