Chpt 10🕹

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it was day 1 of the con. them going to the con was last minute because they just invited the loser's club after finding out they were all there. you guys dressed up as your halloween costumes just to roam around the con without getting recognized

"wends are you sure you wanna go to this, i mean after the post and everything" erin asks you as you her and sophia were getting ready in the bathroom

"i mean the fans like you and wyatt right?" you ask her

"not really, she still gets hate here and there" sophia answered for her

"well,, lets hope they're really positive about this" you say crossing your fingers, the two joins you and you guys all laugh

"WHATS TAKING SO LONG??" chosen screams from outside. you guys told him to shut up since you guys were getting ready, and you all helped each other with your costumes. you guys opened the door and it reveals everyone's costume, jaeden looks at you fondly and looks away when he realizes you saw him.

"dude come on compliment her" finn mumbled to jaeden and nudges him with his elbow

"oh uh you look great wends" you blush and say thank you to him

"gosh if you dont start makin moves i will" jack says aloud, jaeden glares at him and you giggle

"guys quit flirting we are running a lil bit late, also why dont you two just get together already" jeremy says as he rushes outside with his costume. everyone looked at each other and realized that you guys forgot to tell jeremy

"oh jeremy I'll tell you on the way there" sophia sighs as he pats his back

you sat next to jaeden ofc and you guys talked the whole bus ride there. you guys came to an agreement that you wont make a public announcement just yet, but he will still leave the instagram post up. he says he wants to hide it for a while and keep dropping hints. you guys made a solid plan that everyone will roam around the convention but when it gets to the meet and greet you'll have to stay back a bit, maybe even behind the curtains. you two decided to tell everyone the plan and they agreed.

"woww look at all this stuff" erin said looking around "ahh they have the office stuff so we can have matching keychains"

you and jaeden started of really awkward ever since the conversation last night but once you guys saw all the anime stuff you guys went crazy!
'ahh jae theres fairy tail stuff here' or 'y/n/n look at these cute tote bags with their faces on it' or 'lets get matching keychains'

everyone was really nice probably because they didnt know who you guys were but there was this one time finn almost got recognized he didnt know why though we just told him it was because troy doesnt look like a frog. LMAO

anyways everyone was praising you, jaeden's and sophia's costumes since you too were moving as 3

"ugh i cant believe i have to third wheel with you weebs" sophia said jokingly, you kiddingly hit her arms and shush her. then there was an announcement and it said for all the meet and great people to start setting up. you guys went around but you guys could already see that there was a big line for everyone. you guys went around and behind the curtains, you guys changed into your normal clothes. everyone else was playing with the fans peeking their faces through the curtains but you and jaeden were staying behind.

"dont miss me too much" you say kiddingly

"is this a challenge y/l/n?" he replies you guys laugh

"uh guys srry to interrupt your moment but jaeden they're waiting" jack says and jaeden comes up to you and pecks your forehead and blushes as he walks through the curtain and you can hear everyone cheer from the other side of the curtain as you blush from what he did. you can hear everyone's conversation from behind so it was really fun. 0.01% of the time some fans would ask jaeden if y/n was there and he would whisper to them that you were. you felt jealous, since jaeden was getting hugged by so many people and everyone kept saying weird stuff like how they're his 'girlfriends' though you know its just a joke,,, right? you were also jealous at how erin could be out and about beside wyatt and people didnt care. you were sitting there waiting patiently but you couldnt get the image out of your head, of jaeden kissing your forehead. you touched youe forehead blushing when jaeden comes through the curtains.

"heh did you lose the challenge? miss me already" you say to cover up the fact you were the one who was missing him

"in your dream wends," he chuckled ",im just here for water" he took his water bottle shakes it infront of your face and laughs "see" he takes a sip and leaves it back there. right after that he goes back outside to his fans

"what to do" you sigh and mumbles to yourself. you got really bored just sitting behind the curtains so you decided to roam around the con for maybe a few minutes. so you left and picked out a few gifts for everyone, but when you came back they were all behind the curtains all worried and kinda mad. you slowly walk to them with your head low.

"s-sorry-" you were about to apologize a million times but jaeden just ran up to hug you. you both didnt even realize you werent behind the curtains so everyone saw, but you guys didnt know that.

"where were you" jaeden says firmly and with tone

"i'm sorry i got bored and i just wanted to buy everyone something as a souvenir" you still had your head low

"dont worry wends were not mad at you," he chuckles losing his tone so quickly ",you just got us worried thats all" you were about to apologize one last time when he took your chin and lifted your head up and he kissed you, but only a peck. thats all he could take before getting flustered again he laughs

"i guess i lost the challenged, i missed you more" jaeden says before pecking your lips again this time cupping your cheeks. you guys were immediately snapped out of your moment when you guys can suddenly hear the fans camera clicking and shuttering.

 you guys were immediately snapped out of your moment when you guys can suddenly hear the fans camera clicking and shuttering

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