Chapter 22: Four Hours Part 2

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Third hour

The storm had really picked up now. The ship viciously swayed. The captain had ordered that we stay in our rooms.

I had told Amber, Storm and Lonely Soul about what happened to Hensy and about what he told me. We all sat around the room, silently, as the hurricane raged outside.

"I can't believe it." Amber said, breaking the silence.

I kissed her cheek, "It's going to be alright."

"I don't think it is, Jared." She replied, "This storm isn't stopping. I'm scared."

"What are you talking about?" I said, "Amber Thorn doesn't get scared."

"I'm not like how I used to be. You know that." She said, "I'm more...human these days."

"Amber..." I said, brushing some hair out of her face, "We're going to be okay. And do you know why? You are literally the bravest, toughest person I know. You're my guardian angel, remember?"

She opened her mouth to reply but there was a huge crashing sound and the ship jolted to the left. We were thrown onto the floor. The door to the room swung open and broke off its hinges, narrowly missing our heads as it soared across the room and smashed into the back wall.

Screaming could be heard around the corridor. I looked out the gap where the door used to be to see Kay sprawled on the floor, cradling Trish in his arms. She didn't look to be conscious.

The ship jolted again. I heard shouting from up on the deck; it sounded like the captain barking orders at his crew.

"What's happening?!" Storm cried.

Yet again, the ship lurched but this time the other way. I felt myself rise off the floor and tumble across to the opposite wall towards the door. I impacted with my shoulder and collapsed to the ground. My vision became blurry, but as I looked up, I could see Amber falling towards me. I reached out my arms and caught her as she landed onto me.

The ship tipped back the other way and I watched with horror out of the window as members of the crew fell overboard and into the furious waters. There was a colossal cracking sound and a lot of screaming. People were scrambling up and down the corridors, trying to find a way to escape.

Amber's head fell limply against me.

"Amber?!" I yelled above the noise.

There was no reply.

Storm clambered across the room and out the door.

"Are you okay?" She asked me on the way past.

I nodded, "For now."

She looked down the corridor. Then her foot slipped and went rolling across into the wall opposite. Her body flopped to the floor

Lonely Soul was standing, unaffected by all of this, but unable to do anything to help.

"Lonely Soul!" I shouted, "Go and find a lifeboat! Or some way to get us off of this thing."

"Affirmative." The ghost replied, running out the door.

The ship was tilting further, I could almost stand on the wall. I hoisted Amber up into my arms and looked across the corridor.

"Father!" I called.

"Jared?!" Kay replied.

He was gripping onto the door frame, holding an unconcious Trish in his arms, as the vessel gradually tilted.

"I need help!" He shouted.

"I've kind of got my arms full at the moment." I replied.

"So do I!" He said, indicating Trish.

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