Chapter 11: Strange Visions

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"What was the name you wanted?" The archives woman asked me.

"Kay Cast." I told her.

She led me over to the row of shelves labelled 'C'. We reached a section that read 'CA' and she began sifting through pages. She retrieved a dusty looking book from a shelf and opened it.

"Cast..." She muttered, "Cast, Cast...we have Brendon Cast, Jolie Cast...Mary Cast...I can't see a Kay here, I'm afraid."

"Could I have a look at those records anyway?" I asked.

"Sure." She said, handing me the book.

She wandered off to have a look at some other files. I looked down at the pages in front of me. There was a list of names in alphabetical order. Under each name was some basic information; birth date, occupation, place of residence.

There were five Casts in total; Brendon, Jolie, Mary, Nicholas, and Roberto. I stared at the list, wondering if any of these people were actually related to me, or if we just shared a name. The only family I'd ever known was my father. After he disappeared I was all by myself. Maybe I'd occasionally make a friend in passing but I kept moving around, not giving myself enough time to get close to anyone. That philosophy only ended when Amber and Ryder saved me from The Beehive.

According to the records, three of the Casts were still alive, but only one of them was still living in the city; Roberto.

Then I noticed something in between Jolie and Mary's names. It was a small gap, slightly whiter than the rest of the worn out page, almost as if something used to be there. Before I could investigate this furthur, the archives woman returned.

"I can't find anything more on Kay Cast." She said, "I'm sorry."

"That's fine." I replied, "It's not urgent anyway."

I handed her the book back and left. I had memorised the address for Roberto Cast and intended to go there straight away.

I made it back out to the square, where some stalls were now set up and selling various items. As I walked back down the road, I felt a hand on my shoulder.

"Jared Cast?!" An old, croaky voice said.

I turned to see an elderly woman with a dirty shawl wrapped around her head.

"Yes?" I said, utterly confused.

"I've seen you in my dreams." She told me, smiling slightly.

"Are you sure?" I asked.

"Oh yes." She answered, "It's definitely you. It's lovely to finally meet you in person."

Then I suddenly realised. I leaned closer to her.

"Are you...a PreCog too?"

She nodded, "Indeed I am. And I know that you are."

"Have you seen my future? Do you know what I'm supposed to do now?"

"Don't you?"

"No." I answered, "My dreams are really vague."

"Ah," She said, nodding, "I suppose it's because you're young and inexperienced."

She looked thoughtfully off into the distance.

"So, where am I supposed to go?" I asked, bringing her attention back.

"The man you seek is called Jasper Axel." She told me, "He lived a while in the city, but has since moved South to the Coldlands. I knew him rather well."

Her inner thoughts distracted her once again and she peered at nothing inparticular.

"The man I seek is my father." I said, once again snapping her back to reality, "Not Jasper Axel..."

"They are one and the same, Jared." The woman said, adjusting her shawl.

"And you knew him?"

"Oh yes," She replied, "At least, I think I did. I get awfully confused between dreams and real life these days."


"Terrible things are ahead for you, Jared." She peered into my eyes, "Terrible, terrible things."

Her eyes suddenly glazed over and she started mumbling something. I had no idea what to do. It seemed she was having a vision of some sort.

I couldn't quite tell what she was rambling, but it sounded like "Only the blood of the one can save the blood of them all."

Then her eyes regained light a few seconds later and her conciousness was back in the real world.

"Are you okay?" I asked her.

She looked up at me and smiled, "What, dear? Oh yes, I'm fine, thank you."

"Did you just have a vision?"

"I don't know...usually I'm asleep when that happens."

"Can you remember saying anything?"

She shook her head.

"Where do you live? I'll walk you back."

"Oh, there's no need." She replied, "I live right here."

She waved a hand in the direction of a small alleyway and wandered off towards it. She turned back as she reached it.

"Tell Jasper that Penelope said hello." She said, "He'll remember me...probably."

And with that, she disappeared between the buildings. I was left standing, confused by the unexpected old lady.

I was confused about what she had said about blood, I was confused about her knowing my father, but most of all I was confused about the name. She had said that my father was called Jasper Axel. Maybe that's why I couldn't find any information on Kay Cast.

I headed back to Monica's house, completely forgetting about visiting Roberto.

"Hey," Amber said, as I got back in, "Did you get any information?"

Amber, Storm, and Lonely Soul were sitting around the kitchen table but Monica wasn't there.

"Not from the city hall," I replied, taking off the scarf, hat and coat "But from an unusual old lady."

I sat down next to Amber and told them all about what had just happened.

"Jasper Axel?" Amber said, when I'd finished.

I nodded.

"You realise where that name is from, right?" She asked.

"No..." I said.

"Jasper." She replied, bluntly, "The man we threw off his own tower."

"You don't think that's a coincidence?" I said.

"How could it possibly be a coincidence after what he told you in The Beehive?!" She exclaimed.

I thought for a moment and remembered what Jasper Homunculus had said about knowing my father.

"And Axel was Jasper's father..." I realised.

"This is why there's been no information on Kay Cast." Amber said, "Because he goes by a fake name now."

None of us knew for sure what this truly meant. But we definitely knew one thing; we were one step closer to finding my father.

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