Chapter 18: The Next Dawn

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The snow glistened majestically in the morning sunlight. The storm had stopped and now there were only a few snowflakes floating about the landscape. It was a truly beautiful scene.

We emerged from the cave, carrying our bags and wraps. According to my father, there was a small village further into the Coldlands, near the Ice Plains, called Highspring. It was the only place that he hadn't searched around for Neo Homunculus. That was our destination for the day. It was a lot easier to travel when the weather was clear.

After a couple of hours, we made it over a hill and the view was astonishing. The mountains just stopped and the plains began. A colossal stretch of flat, white land reaching all the way to the horizon and beyond. And on a small area of the Ice Plains was a cluster of buildings.

"Is that it?" I asked.

"That's Highspring alright." Kay answered.

From up on the hill, I couldn't see much detail. I estimated around 40 buildings in total, including what looked like a church. We carried on down the slope towards it. There were a few residents shuffling around the snow-covered streets, but not many. The first place we stopped at was, of course, the inn. It was simply called "Highspring Inn" and was a warm three story house.

We asked around to see if anyone had any information on Neo. No one had even heard of him, which was unsurprising. Eventually, the barkeeper pointed us towards a woman in the bar; Niveria. She was dressed in silken black robes, was tall and dark, and had a piercing green-eyed stare whenever she looked at you.

"How can I help?" She asked with a slight accent, after my father and I had approached her.

"We were wondering if you had any information on someone." Kay asked.

"And who would that be?" She replied, softly.

"A man called Neo Homunculus." He replied.

Niveria thought for a moment, "Neo Homunculus. Yes. I know that name."

"You know Neo?!" I exclaimed.

"I know many things." She said, peering at me, "Things that I shouldn't."

I swallowed, "Right."

"Do you know where Neo is?" Kay asked.

A slight smile flickered onto her lips for a second, "I can find out."

"I don't understand." Kay replied.

She closed her eyes for a second and opened them again.

"We have to go somewhere more private." She announced, getting up from her seat, "Follow me."

She headed for a door in the back room, her high heels clapping on the floor with every step. We followed her. Amber, who was at another table with Storm, gave me a look on the way past. I went over to her.

"Who's that?" She asked, with contempt.

"Niveria." I answered, "She's going to help us find Neo."

"By taking you and your father into the back room of an inn?"


"And that's not ringing any alarm bells?"


"A tall, promiscuous woman is leading you and your father into a dark room in the back of a bar. And you don't think there's something weird that's going to happen?"

I suddenly caught on, "No way! I'm offended you would even think that!"

She smirked and brushed my nose with her finger, "Be careful."

"Always." I replied.

I briskly followed Niveria and Kay through the door. They were already sat down on the floor surrounded by silk. It was then that I noticed the entire room was covered in an array of colourful fabrics and sheets. And in the middle of it all was a small box with a red gem encrusted into the lid.

"What's that?" I asked.

"Sit down, Jared." Niveria said.

I went to sit down and then looked at her suddenly, "How do you know my name?"

"I told you." She said, "I know many things. Also, your father told me."

I joined them next to the box. She prised open the lid with her thin, ring-covered fingers to reveal three small pills.

"And what is this, Niveria?" Kay asked.

"It is my key to everything."

She picked one up, brought it to her mouth and swallowed it. She then held another one towards Kay.

"Eat it." She said, bluntly.

Kay looked at her, "Are you sure?"

She nodded and Kay ate it, seemingly without any sort of hesitation. I guess years of desperation does that to a man. He coughed for a couple of seconds, but recovered quickly. She then reached over to me with the final pill.

"Oh..." I said, "Yeah. I'm not going to eat that."

"You must eat it." She said, giving me her menacing glare.

"You must eat it, Jared." Kay said.

I looked at him, then at the pill, then at her.

"I don't even know what it is" I said.

"You'll see." Niveria answered, "What are you afraid of? You will not find out where your friend is if you don't eat it."

I sighed, "I don't see the point in this, but okay."

I plucked the pill from her hands and tentatively put it in my mouth. I tried to swallow but it was a sickening flavour that I didn't recognise. Several colours flashed around my vision and I burst into an uncontrollable coughing fit as it slipped down my throat. A few seconds later and I was lying on my back on the silk, breathing heavily.

"You okay, Jared?" I heard my father ask, although it seemed distant.

"What the hell was that?!" I exclaimed.

"That was knowledge." Niveria said, smoothly, "You now know where your friend is."

"Wow." Kay said, "So, how does it work?"

"It is done. You must only think of it."

I tried thinking of Neo, but nothing came to me. Suddenly, my father jumped up.

"I know where he is!" He yelled, "That's amazing!"

"It didn't work for me." I complained.

"It only works for those you are eager." Niveria explained, "It is a form of hypnostism. You did not believe, there for you did not reap the benefits."

"Should've believed her, Jared." Kay added.

I was speechless, so instead I simply shook my head, stood up and emerged back into the light of the bar.

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