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ANASTASIYA AWOKE SEVERAL hours later, blinded by the white fluorescent lights dangling from the ceiling. She tried sitting up straight, and groaned in pain when she did. She didn't know where she was being kept, but the concrete walls of a laboratory were recognisable. The teenage girl felt an excruciating pain in her wrists, and looked down to see several wires connecting her to machines. She yanked them out, cringing. She steadily stood up on the ground, and jumped when the metal door to her right flung open with such force.

"You're awake, about time."

"Yeah, well, I wouldn't be up walking and talking to you if I wasn't," she retorted, folding her arms. She knew she shouldn't talk back to them, but at this point she was so fed up that she didn't even care. She wanted to know what they'd done to her, what they'd done to her siblings, and why they needed them, and the one question that was burning in the back of her mind - how did they survive, when everyone else did not?

"Don't be rude," the man said, grabbing Anastasiya's arm and pulling her towards the door, despite her protests.

"Get off me!" she yelled, and out of nowhere, a hot blaze of fire appeared, and disappeared almost as quick as it was created.

"What was that?" Anastasiya was stunned, but the man was ecstatic.

"It worked," he said under his breath, barely audible. He once again proceeded to drag Anastasiya out of the room.

"What worked? Tell me what you did to me!" she shrieked, but she got no answer.

They continued walking down the dark corridor for a few minutes, and eventually they reached a door. Anastasiya had never been allowed down this far and needless to say, despite being scared, she was curious.

The man beside her turned the handle on the door and flung her inside, and before Anastasiya could even turn around the door was slammed again. She jumped as she felt hands grab her shoulders, but relaxed as she saw that it was Wanda, Pietro just behind her. Wanda inspected her face for injuries, and once she saw that she was somewhat okay, she flung her arms around her.

"Wanda? Why are we here?" Anastasiya asked, her voice quivering.

"Didn't they tell you anything?" Pietro asked, frowning at Wanda who stood next to him.

"All they said was that it worked. What worked, Pietro?" Anastasiya asked, almost shouting.

"We're enhanced. They called us their weapons. Notice how we're the only ones in here? We're the only ones who survived their experiments and no one knows how," Pietro told her.

"What do you mean by enhanced?"

"Powers. We have powers, Ana," Wanda added, as she started playing with her hair which Anastasiya knew she did when she was nervous.

"How long have you known?" Anastasiya asked them.

"Quite a while. We were going to tell you, and then they threatened us. Threatened you. They said if we told anyone, including you, they would kill you. And we couldn't let that happen."

Anastasiya's head was spinning. She turned away from her siblings, unable to process the information she had been told.

"What can you do?"

"Wanda's telepathic, she can manipulate energy and she can move things with her mind. I can run fast," Pietro said, as Wanda knelt down beside some blocks. Anastasiya's eyes widened as she saw they began to move, and that they were surrounded by red mist.

"We've started to learn how to control them, and we've been told to teach you how as well. They told us that your powers are very similar to Wanda's but you also have the ability to create and control fire," Pietro told her, and Anastasiya's eyes widened.

"I think I created some fire earlier. It was by accident, but it still happened," she said, and she started to move her hands like Wanda did. She was astounded when a hot flame of fire appeared, and then disappeared when she closed her fists.


She tried it again, and again, the twins watching her, until she was interrupted by a loud voice overhead.

"Report to your stations immediately, this is not a drill, we are under attack!"

The twins rushed out of the room and down the corridor, Anastasiya following them. They led them into a room which was full of people

"Just watch," Pietro said to her, "and stay quiet."

"We are under attack!" the voice came again from the loudspeaker. Anastasiya could hear footsteps and shouting from all around her.

"Who gave the order to attack?" a man said, but Anastasiya had never seen him before.

"Herr Strucker, it's the Avengers," someone else replied, and Anastasiya's eyes widened.

"They landed in the far woods. The perimeter guard panicked," someone else said, and he ran off with a gun in his hands.

"They have to be after the sceptre," Strucker said. Anastasiya looked at her siblings, confused, but Pietro shushed her and nodded towards the room, as if he was telling her to just listen.

"Can we hold them?"

"They're the Avengers!"

"Deploy the rest of the tanks. Concentrate fire on the weak ones. A bit may make them close ranks," Strucker said, walking over to someone and whispered to them, but Anastasiya could just make out what they were saying, "everything we've accomplished... but we're on the verge of our greatest breakthrough."

"Then let's show them what we've accomplished. Send out the Maximoffs."

Anastasiya looked up in fear at her siblings, but they were still focused on Strucker.

"It's too soon."

"It's what they signed up for. My men can hold them."

"We will not yield! The Americans sent their circus freaks to test us. We will send them back in bags. No surrender!" Strucker said, and everyone repeated after him, "no surrender!"

And with that, Anastasiya felt a pull on her arm, and looked up to see Wanda.

"Come on, it's time to go," she said to her, and then they ran out the room, and onto the battlefield.

A/N yay! we're finally getting started and i am so excited lol. i have so many things planned for anastasiya and i can't wait to carry on writing! sorry this is kinda long, next part out soon.

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