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ANASTASIYA RAN OFF down the corridor, having knowing the building almost off by heart. Wanda and Pietro followed behind their younger sister, leaving a bit of a distance to diffuse the tension between Wanda and Anastasiya.

When they reached the shelves, Anastasiya picked off a pair of shoes for Pietro and herself, leaving Wanda to collect her own. "Thanks," Pietro murmured quietly, but loud enough for his sister to hear. Anastasiya watched as Wanda pulled a red jacket out, pulling it across her arms.

"That's Natasha's, you can't wear that," she pointed out, raising her eyebrows.

"Well she's not here to tell me I can't, is she?" Wanda snapped, as Anastasiya gave her an icy glare before running off down the corridor again to join the rest of her team.

"No way we all get through this."

"If even one tin soldier is left standing, we've lost," Anastasiya added.

Tony nodded at her. "There's gonna be blood on the floor."

"I got no plans tomorrow night," Steve said, looking up at Tony from where he was sat.

"I get first crack at the big guy. Iron man is the one he's waiting for."

"That's true, he hates you the most."

"Ultron knows we're coming. Odds are we'll be riding into heavy fire and that's what we signed up for."

"The people of Sokovia, they didn't," Anastasiya said sadly, at remembering her old home town before she was taken into Hyrdra.

"Our priority is getting them out."


Once they arrived, it was dawn. Anastasiya ran off the quintet in attempt to wake up all the citizens of Sokovia. She saw her brother zoom off in the opposite direction, Wanda following behind him. She sighed to herself, before turning back to do her job.

The teenager began banging on apartment doors, attempting to wake up the residents and bring them outside so they could be evacuated.

"I've never tried this before, but we'll give it a go," Anastasiya whispered to herself, before closing her eyes and concentrating on her powers. Orange energy flew out her fingertips, whispering the words "the city is under attack. Please evacuate as soon as possible, leaving your possessions behind. We have very little time." Anastasiya opened her eyes and gasped. "It worked."

She then ran off and started to direct civilians which had left to the jets which had been brought over for evacuation.

Steve's voice echoed through the comms, and Anastasiya raised her wrist to her ear to hear. "Keep the fight between us. Ultron thinks we're monsters, that we're what's wrong with the world. This isn't just about beating him, it's about wether he's right."

"Very motivating, Cap," Anastasiya said, before running off to help people across the bridge.


Havoc spread around the city like wildfire as silver robots flew up from underground. Anastasiya saw Wanda on the ground, and ran over to help her up.

"Thanks," Wanda said simply, giving her a curt nod before running off again. Anastasiya sighed, but began flinging hot fireballs at the metal bots, but missing, setting the grass on fire beside. The fire flickered like hot scarves, panicking Anastasiya, as she tried again, this time not missing. The robot's eyes flickered, before the light went out completely and it landed with a thump on the ground, melted.

"Well done Ana!" Pietro called, as he ran over to her. "Thanks 'Etro." The male Maximoff engulfed his younger sister in a hug. "I'm so sorry about Wanda, Ana. She's just angry. She'll come round to her senses. We just don't want to lose you again, we couldn't bear it. When this is all over, we'll be a proper family, just the three of us. How do you fancy that? We can go live in Paris, looking over the Eiffel Tower every morning, or Amsterdam, or Rome. Somewhere very far from here."

Anastasiya smiled, letting her brother go. "I would love that. I love you, 'Etro."

"I love you too, Ana. You'll always have me. I'll see you in a bit, we both have a job to do." And with that, he sped off, leaving only silver trails behind him.

A large rumble could be heard throughout the city, and the concrete bricks beneath Anastasiya's feet began to crack. Anastasiya gasped as he felt herself rising, the floor beneath her beginning to ascend. The metal bridge collapsed, sending the cars and trucks plummeting, disappearing into thick clouds of smoke below.

Sokovia was going for a ride, and the battle had only just begun.

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