1.8 | PIETRO

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ANASTASIYA LOOKED AT herself in the mirror, pulling down her black dress, her face already swollen from crying. Today was the day of Pietro's funeral, and ever since she'd gotten back from Sokovia, she hadn't left her room.

There was a sudden knock on the door, and Natasha poked her head round. "Ana? It's time to go," she said softly, giving her a smile, holding out her hand. Anastasiya took it, and Nat dragged her gently out of the room and walked over to the car which they were going to take to the church.

When they arrived, Anastasiya stood with Natasha. She noticed that Wanda was keeping her distance, but Anastasiya didn't mind. She'd rather not talk to anyone. She could see the whole team, as well as Laura, Cooper, Lila, and baby Nathaniel stood with Clint. She said she had wanted to see them again, but she hadn't meant in these circumstances.

Tony had paid for Pietro's grave, and you could tell. On their own, the Maximoff sisters would never have been able to pay for something so extravagant, and they were both thankful for him, and the fact their beloved brother were getting the burial he deserved, even if it was too early for him to go.

The clock struck 12, and Natasha led herself and Anastasiya into the church, where Pietro's coffin was laid, and a picture which had been chosen by Wanda on the left. Anastasiya had prepared a speech, and so had Wanda, and before she knew it, it was time for her to speak. She caught Steve's eye on the way up, and he gave her a sad smile but a nod, egging her on.

She shakily reached the podium, all eyes on her. It was a small funeral, only the team and their close family members. Tony had come with Pepper, his girlfriend, who Anastasiya had not yet had the chance to meet.

"Firstly, I'd like to thank everyone for coming. I'm glad it's a small funeral, Pietro wasn't a fan of massive crowds. He always told me that if he were to die, he better not have a big funeral. I suppose he didn't want people who didn't actually know him to pretend that they did. Which I understand, I feel the same," she started, as tears began to pour down her face, smudging her makeup.

"Pietro wasn't just my brother. He was my best friend, and he was always there for me when I was going to give up," several sniffs could be heard throughout the room.

"Especially as a child. I was classed as "the outcast." Pietro told me I wasn't, and he helped me, he'd beat up the kids that used to bully me in elementary and I was always really thankful. They never picked on me again.

"And whilst we were in Hydra, he helped keep me sane. I was so close to ending it all - I was so fed up of being a lab rat, and if it wasn't for him I wouldn't be here today. There's a saying which goes: "nothing is so strong as gentleness, and nothing is so gentle as real strength." It reminds me of Pietro, and how selfless he was. We often say that the hour of death can not be forecast. When we say this, we imagine this hour would be a distant future, or we never thought that we would be thinking of Pietro as a distant memory.

"My brother was loving, and he wouldn't let anyone mess with his family, and he would go to all length to make sure it stayed like that. Some say Pietro's love was something that no one can explain, as it was made out of deep devotion and of sacrifice and pain. It was endless, unselfish, and enduring and whatever came his and our way, nothing could take that love away or destroy it.

"Life is so short, so fragile, and very precious, and even though we never expected this to happen this soon, Pietro lived his life to the fullest, and his spirit will live on with us forever, and I am honoured and privileged to have spent my entire life knowing and having Pietro as my brother, but I know he is better now, above, with our parents. I just want him to know that I loved him, and I always will." Anastasiya finished her speech sobbing, and stumbled on her way back to her seat.

"That was beautiful," Natasha told her, as she held her close, hugging her as the girl cried. They stayed inside the church for a few more minutes, before they went outside to bury the casket.

Anastasiya and Wanda stood next to one another, not speaking, throwing dirt into the deep hole in which Pietro's body was now being laid to rest. The red roses in Anastasiya's hand had started to wilt, so she laid them down on his grave along with a candle and a photograph. Everyone else had started to leave, giving Anastasiya and Wanda a few minutes to grieve by themselves.

Wanda sat down on his grave and cried, and Anastasiya tried to comfort her, but before she could Wanda scowled at her. "Don't touch me. This is your fault," she said, and before Anastasiya could retort, her sister walked off, her curled brown hair hitting her back.

The youngest Maximoff stood in front of her brother's grave. "I'll never forget you 'Etro. You were my best friend. I promise I'll try to stay strong, but I don't know what I'm going to do now you're not here." She cried for a few minutes, hugging her knees to her chest. She then got up and walked over to the black car which was hovering in the church carpark.

"Let's go home," Natasha said.


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