0.6 | HESTIA

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THE SOUND OF voices woke Anastasiya. She rubbed her eyes as she sat up on the seat which she had been carefully laid down on. The girl was horrified to see that she was on some sort of jet, and Wanda and Pietro were nowhere in sight.

"You're awake. About time. I'm Natasha Romanoff, but you might know me as Black Widow," the red headed woman woman spoke, as she stuck her hand out for Anastasiya to shake. Anastasiya didn't take it, she just looked up and glared.

"Where am I?" Anastasiya asked, her hands curling into fists.

"We're on the quinjet to Avengers tower. You were going to fight Steve, you fell unconscious, Steve brought you here. We weren't about to leave you," Natasha replied simply. The five others in the room watched silently, but didn't speak, not wanting to cause a scene.

"What about my siblings? What did you do to them!" she demanded, jumping up to her feet violently, but staggering the landing.

"As far as we know, they're still in Sokovia. We're sorry to take you, and leave them but we had no choice."

"Why didn't you just leave me there? They could have found me and taken me back with them! Now they don't even know if I'm okay," Anastasiya fumed.

"You need to calm down okay? We don't want to hurt you or your siblings. But you got hurt, and we needed to heal you. You're okay now, but we found out some things. What did HYDRA do to you?"

Anastasiya sighed, defeated, and shrugged. "I don't know. One day I just woke up from some experiment and I had these powers."

"Did they torture you? I'm Steve Rogers, by the way, or Captain America," the man to Anastasiya's left asked, speaking up for the first time.

"You could say that."

"Where are your parents?" Steve asked her, and Anastasiya frowned.

"Killed. By Tony Stark. 7 years ago. I was 6 years old, but I remember it clearly. We were trapped for 2 days. We couldn't move. All we kept thinking was, if we moved, it would explode. 2 days we were there, until we got rescued," Anastasiya told them, and a man with brown hair at the front of the ship put his face in his hands.

"That wasn't me," he said, turning to look at the young redhead, "I never sent that bomb. I created it years ago, or my company did, but I would never send it. I'm not like that anymore," and something about the way he said it, but Anastasiya believed him. She sighed sadly.

"I'm Anastasiya Maximoff, you can call me Ana if you want," she said, smiling at them.

"I'm Natasha, as I said before, but you can call me Nat. This is Steve, as you know," Steve smiled at her, "Clint, you saw him get shot," Clint waved at her from his current position as Natasha carried on talking, "and this is Tony, Thor, and this is Bruce."

Anastasiya smiled at them as she was introduced. Natasha got up and walked over to Clint, checking on him, and then over to Bruce who had headphones on. He removed them and he and Natasha had a quiet conversation which Anastasiya couldn't overhear.

"Thor report on the Hulk?" Natasha suddenly called out.

"The hates of Hell are filled with the screams of his victims," Thor said, smirking, and Natasha looked round at him alarmed, and Bruce groaned, burying his face in his hands.

"But not the screams of the dead, of course. No, no, wounded screams. Mainly whimpering, a great deal of complaining, and tales of sprained deltoids and... gout."

Anastasiya cringed internally at Thor's speech.

"Hey Banner. Dr Cho is on her way in from Seoul. Is it okay if she sets up in your lab?" Tony shouts over his shoulder.

"Uh yeah, she knows her way around."


Everyone sat in uncomfortable silence for a few minutes, before Anastasiya started talking to Bruce.

"So, you're the Hulk?" she asked him, as he smiled sadly.

"Yeah. Unfortunately."

"I know it's probably not something you usually get praised on, but I saw you destroy that bunker that hit Clint. It looked pretty awesome."

"Thank you," Bruce smiled at her, and Natasha started asking Anastasiya questions. "So, Ana? You said that you have powers? What can you do?"

"To be honest, I'm not too sure. I only found out about them about 2 days ago and I don't know how to control them yet. But so far, I know I can create and control fire."

"That's so cool. Do you have a superhero name?" Bruce asked her curiously.


"Well if you're going to join the Avengers then you're going to need one," Natasha added.

"I'm allowed to join the Avengers?"

"If you want to."

"Woah! That's awesome. I mean, yeah. I haven't got any suggestions though."

"What about... Hestia? You know, the Greek goddess of hearth? I don't know, it just sounds cool."

Anastasiya thought for a while.

"That sounds cool. I like it," she smiled at her 2 new friends.

"Hestia it is."

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