Chapter 8

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The next morning

Skylar's POV

The bedsheets beneath me feel cooler than usual as does the rest of me. Then I realize there's no blanket on top of me and I'm laying here completely naked; exposed to the entire world.

My eyes flutter open and I prop myself up on my elbows and look around confusedly.

I firstly notice the alarm clock beside me with the digits, "4:30" gleaming at me. "Oh crap," I mutter quietly then blink a couple times to make sure what I'm seeing is real.

Before I can even gather myself, the body next to me rolls over and causing me to tumble off of the little space I had left on the bed.

I feel my lower body erupt in pain when I hit the hard floor. I pull my legs to my chest and let out a quiet whimper, trying to hold in the tears threatening me. My wrists are even in pain and all bruised too.

I can't stay here too long; he'll be awake soon and work starts right away.

I pull my head from my legs and I quickly spot my clothing from last night scattered all around me. I slowly get up so the pain between my legs is somewhat bearable and begin collecting my lost clothing and dress myself.

Before I leave, I tip-toe over to the bed and see Andrei's broad chest rising and falling with every breath he takes. His face is covered with a pillow and the comforter on him is sitting below his stomach, just barley covering him.

I pull my eyes away from the masterpiece and head towards the door. I turn the handle slowly and slip out without barley making a sound.


After long hallways and a flight of stairs, I finally make it back to my empty maids quarters. I right away strip from last nights clothes and hit the shower.

I grab a cloth and douse it in soap then begin scrubbing relentlessly at my skin.

I've never felt so disgusting.

Eventually, my skin feels too raw to continue scrubbing, so I move on to my hair. I grab some vanilla scented shampoo, squirt some of the product into my hand and apply it to my dirty blonde hair. After, I condition it, wash my face, then get out.

I grab my towel that is hanging on a nearby hook and wrap it around me securely then turn to the sink and mirror. I run the brush on the ledge through my thick locks and throw it up with another towel.

After I've completed my morning routine, I take my birth control, throw on my uniform and head to the kitchen.

When I enter the kitchen, it's not empty this time. There's a couple maids who will usually giggle and talk in a small group are all huddled around the island chopping fruit and preparing mixes of all sorts. One glances up at me then the rest follow, all letting out the same 'secretive' giggle afterwords.

"Good morning," I say in with obvious suspicion and walk over to the cupboards.

None of the maids say anything in return and just continue to smile and murmur to each other.

What's their deal? I don't think I've done anything wrong. Well... anything that they would know about.

Ignoring their rude manners, I retrieve a frying pan from the cupboard, place it on the stove, and begin frying up all the kinds of eggs the men prefer; scrambled, fried, then boil some in a pot...

2 hours later: Breakfast time

"Alright, ladies!" I hear Amelia announce and everyone's heads turn in her direction. "Duties for today are.." she skims through her notepad with her teeth-marked pen with squinty eyes.

As Amelia skims through her notepad over and marks things, panic begins to sink in; what if I'm suppose to attend the dining room today? I can't face him...

"On clean up we have.."

I cross my fingers. Me me me me me me me me....

"Shannon, Marie, Leanne, Tiffany, Gianna and Lily," she confirms and everyone called shuffles to their station.

No no no no no no no!

"The rest of you!" she calls. "Dining room. Five minutes 'till they arrive. Let's go."

As everyone else left heads to the dining room, I'm stuck standing there in pure shock. What if he doesn't even show up because of me? What if he doesn't want me in there? What if he..

"Eh em!" a stern voice interrupts my thoughts.

My head shoots up and I'm met with Amelia's cold glare.

"What the hell do you think you're doing waiting around? Let's go!" She demands and gestures towards the dining room door.

I nod in response then scurry into the dining hall, feeling her eyes burning into the back of my head.

When I enter the hall, Andrei is not yet here. Thank god. So, instead of waiting for his appearance, I help pour coffee for all the men instead.

As I go down the row looking for empty coffee cups, I notice another girl in front of me; Jazzy, I believe, hardcore flirting with one of the men. She leans over the table, being sure the man gets a good view of her nearly exposed chest and pours him his coffee so very slowly. The man grins and Jazzy stands back up. He motions for her to bend down so she can hear him and whispers something that makes her giggle all while he sneaks his hand under her skirt.

My skin crawls in disgust and I glance in another direction before I witness anymore.

No one even cares that this man is groping this girl, they're all just eating their breakfast and occasionally glancing at us. Well, more our chest than us ourselves.

Thankfully, all the men seem to be content with their meal now so I take my designated post beside Andries empty seat. Hmm...

My eye brows furrow together and I glance up to the clock on the wall. He's usually here.. well, five minutes ago.

I shake my head to myself and fold my hands together, waiting there patiently for anyone to need something.

Half an hour later..

Everyone's left now and the rest of the maids and I, except Jazzy who pranced off with the man who was violating her before, are cleaning up all the plates.

Once all the plates are gathered, I roll the cart carrying them back into the kitchen and begin filling up the dishwasher.

Amelia's POV

That. Bitch.

This is the third time Andrei's requested Skylar to deliver him breakfast to his office! It was always me who would take him breakfast before and let him have me over his desk, now that stupid whore's taken him from me!

Shoving my list with pure anger into my pocket, I stride over to the dishwasher and slam my fist down on the counter, making the whore jump at least a foot in the air.

"Andrei's requested you to deliver his breakfast again," I tell her and shove his order into her stomach making her sputter back a ways.

She's not even short, skinny and beautiful and she's has the audacity to act like it! Why in the world would Andrei ever want her? She's fat, ugly and tall; nothing like me at all.

"O-okay," she murmurs and hurriedly finishes up the dishes all while I degrade her in every satisfying way possible in my head.

She has no idea I've told nearly all the maids and some guards I'll fool around with on occasion that I'm sure she's sleeping with Andrei.

I am going to get Andrei back. I'll even kill her if I have to.

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