Chapter 50

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Im gonna be honest with you all first.
There is a shit ton of hate comments on this chapter about how it was such a terrible book and a waste of time. Honestly, I wish I could say it didn't hurt my feelings but it really does. So if you are not enjoying this book, why are you still here? To comment hateful things on someone else's work? I'm done with it. I work my ass off for my books and no, I am not psycho and romanticize abuse or what not. This is a MAFIA book and I have put warning tags and labels and tw everywhere now.


If you don't like it then go find something else to read please.

On with the chapter ....

This chapter contains self-harm and suicidal thoughts that may be triggering to some viewers. If you're are triggered by this, please do not read further.

Also there are few more than usual POV changes throughout the chapter. This isn't me rushing through it, I just wanted the chapter written as this.




Skylar's POV

"What seems to be on your mind today, Ms. Jones?"

"It's Mrs. Mrs. Volkov."

He sighs, rolling his eyes as though he's been through this one too many times already. "I could've sworn at one point you had insisted you weren't married, correct? What happened?"

I have to bite my tongue to keep the words I want to say to this dickhead flying out and having me kicked out of here for the third time this week. This man should not be able to have a job here. "That was your wishful thinking, Doctor. I am here for my husband and child. I nor any of these other women are your eye-candy."

Most times the psychiatrist is usually an older man named Jacob who has no interest other than talking about you and how to make a better you. Only today we've received some sort of "sub" to replace him since he's sick today. I heard that he's been sick for awhile now and that today is a doctors appointment for a cancer he's been dealing with.

"Anyways," he says, taking out my chart paper. "It says here that you're being discharged in less than a week. How does that make you feel? Are you ready to go back home and continue a life outside of here?"

"I'm not ever going to be sure about anything ever again. Before I had the miscarriage, Andrei and I were sure that the baby was a boy and that his name was going to be Nik. Well, we knew he was a boy cause we had found out the gender a few days before. Lily was so excited even with her being a baby herself still." I pause and look to a stain of pink paint on my pants she had made. "I wonder how my baby girl is. She must've grown like a weed while I was gone.."

The doctor scribbles some notes down then looks up, smiling slightly for the first time in the last 15 minutes. "And what about Andrei- Your parents?"

I will not speak of "my parents". They're what I want to forget.

"Everyday I wake up expecting to see him and kiss his lips. I miss eating his cooking and  listening to his crazy story about his job and what his clients do. For everything that has happened to us, I think I can finally say that I am ready to live the rest of my life with him with all the ups and downs."

I see the charting book slam shut when I look up from my painted-stained pants. The doctor scribbles a note so fast and hands it to me I barley have time to process that at the top of the paper is says, 'discharge papers,' his messy signature confirming that I am now able to exit the facility and go home to my family.

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