Chapter 28

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The next day...

Skylar's POV

"Breakfast time! Get up!" I hear someone call gruffly and pound on the door.

I open my tired eyes unwillingly and let out a small groan. Not today, World... There is no more strength within me to actually live a life like this.

The pounding at the door repeats again. "Hurry up or you won't be fed until lunch, Suka!"

Completely pushing the harsh words of the guard away, I reach for my bed side lamp and flick it on then carefully scoot out of bed until my feet hit the cool wood floor. Before I leave, I pull on a pair of snug-fitting jeans that don't even button up, and a hoodie to cover my open jeans.

"Took you long enough," the guard remarks as he slams the door behind me.

I flinch at the sudden action and hurry a few steps ahead of him so I don't have to see the angry glare that I know is on his face.

As we make our way through the main foyer and through the hallway that leads to the dining hall, I remember Andrei will most likely be there. That, or he's getting laid by Amelia in his office right now. Either way, I couldn't care less. I am going to do whatever it takes to not have to speak to that monster.

When we enter the hall, my guard pushes me towards the line at the buffet just before heading over to a little blonde maid that looks more than just happy to see him; the two are gone into another room within seconds.

At the buffet, I grab a small plate a little plastic cup. Everyone's eyes suddenly seem to be on me as I scatter a spoonful of scrambled eggs across my plate.

I hear one whisper, "Poor Andrei. He's definitely got a cursed child with that fat ass," when I place some fruit onto my plate.

For a moment, I shut my eyes in attempt to hold back my emotions, but it doesn't work. I suddenly find myself scraping back the small breakfast I had made back into the containers with no thought for the baby growing in me.

Almost everyone (especially the maids) have gone quiet now. No ones even whispering to each other they're all so intrigued by what I just did.

I turn away from all the food and catch the same guard who had lead me here in the first place, back from his 'maid session'. I scurry over to him and whisper in the quietest and most polite voice I can muster, "Please take me back to the room."

His eyebrows furrow. "You're done already?" He questions and eyes up the buffet.

I nod. "I can't keep anything done right now. I'll come back later."

"No," he says. "Boss wants you to eat. You need to eat."

At this point, I'd start yelling. But since everything's so fucked, I just feel myself drop to my knees and let out a heavy, whole-hearted sob. "Please!" I beg. "Everyone here including Andrei hates me. He doesn't care about me at all. No one does!" My eyes begin bleeding streams of tears I just can't hold back anymore while I sob on the ground. All my self respect has vanished...


The entire room goes completely quiet with those two words. Even I do until I realize that I couldn't care less and just continue to sob on the ground with all my one balled up emotions drowning me.

In only a few moments, I notice all the maids and guards are gone and it's only Andrei and I who are in the large space. With tears still running down my cheeks, I lift my head from my arms and see him standing a few feet away from me.

"Get up." His voice is so monotone that I can't even tell if he's angry or not.

I push myself up from the ground with my two shaky arms and get to my feet steadily. My stomach growls loudly which immediately makes me wrap my arms around my small baby bump.

"Skylar," he says softly and takes a step towards me. "You need to eat. Your body is still trying to heal from the accident."

Accident!? What accident? The only accident I can remember was deciding to sleep with you in the first place!

I only stare at his softened face with blank expression. He's already seen enough raw emotion from me today.

"Come," he says and waves me over to the steaming food. "You can have all you want and anything you want." He grabs a large plate this time and hands it to me which I hesitantly accept.

Taking a plate for himself, he begins to load his plate with all sorts of lean, protein-based meats and all sorts of good food. I on the other hand, just stick to what I had before hand and take a seat at a table while Andrei pours himself a cup of coffee.

"Would you like something to drink?" He asks as he adds some creamer to his mug.

"No." Is all I say. I couldn't give a rats ass that he's actually being nice to me. My silence and internal rage is all he is going to get out of me.

My fork jabs weakly into a piece of scrambled egg when he takes a seat across from me. He takes no time at all to dig into his food all while I sit there in silence and move the little bits of egg and cantaloupe around my plate.

Even though I swore to myself I'd try my absolute best to not talk to him again, there are so many questions that are starting to burn right through me. Are Macy and Philip still alive? What do you plan on doing with me these next few months? Are you going to throw me in another cell once the baby is born? Will I be able to see my baby?

"Skylar.." I hear a deep voice warn, completely awakening me from my thoughts.

My fork instantly drops onto my plate and I peer up at him.

"Why aren't you eating?" he asks and takes a long drink from his mug while waiting for my response, but I just continue to stare at him blankly. With a sigh, he says, "I know you're mad at me and you have every right to be, but you really need to eat. Please, Skylar."

My jaw clenches dangerously tight for a few moments at that statement, but I just continue to let the anger subside and stand up from my chair instead.

He sets his fork down and sighs. "I won't let you leave until you've eaten."

I inhale deeply and keep a concentrated stare on my plate of fruit and eggs. Maybe if he hadn't cared enough to stay in that hospital room 24/7, I could've gotten away again and be freed for good. But because I was so naive and thought taking a job as a maid, then his personal slut was a great idea, I'll be paying the price for the rest of my life. Well, what was once my life.

After what feels like forever of us sitting and standing in silence and me staring aimlessly at my plate, I finally take a seat again and begin taking bites of my breakfast. When I'm done, I put my plate into a bin with other dirty ones and go and wait by the door patiently as Andrei pours himself another cup of coffee.

"Leaving so soon?" he chuckles and slowly walks up to me with his mug in hand.

What happened to the demanding, only cares about himself and wouldn't hesitate to sell me to another man Andrei? He's probably still here, just waiting to bounce back.

I turn my back to him and try the door knob that I already know is locked.

A groan of his echos throughout the spacious room when he stands from his chair this time. "Just hold on," he groans again and lets out a sharp exhale.

I turn back to him and see his hand covering the exact same spot he was shot not long ago. I had thought he was going to be alright after the surgery. This had better not be to get my attention. "What's wrong?" I accidentally say.

Dammit! I've already broken the rule I've been telling myself not to break all day!

All his pain seems to instantly go away with those words. "Y-you talked!" He celebrates with a surprised gasp. Just when he's about to say something else, the pain hits him once again and he's hunching over again. "Fuck," he grunts and repositions his posture, then walks as fast as he can towards the door with the key in hand.

Shakily, he places the key in the slot and twists it until it clicks. "There. Go back to your room and wait until you're told otherwise," he explains then exits the dining hall in a hurry.

As much as I don't want to care, I do. So I decide to follow him.

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