Chapter 19

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Skylar's POV

A couple days later...

"Your hands are so soft; beautiful just like you." Andrei compliments and interlaces our fingers together even more.

I giggle and I stare longingly into his mesmerizing eyes. As dark and scary his eyes may be at times, at the end of the day they make you feel protected from the rest of the world.

Andrei pushes himself to a straighter sitting position with a small grunt. His hand lands over his bandage and he mumbles something to himself.

I stand up from my chair beside the bed and hover over him. "Are you alright? Should I go get the nurse?" I ask, worry evident in my voice.

He peers up at me. "Im alright, Malyshka," he assures with a small smile that calms me instantly. "Come here."

No, he's not in his right mind... He doesn't mean any of this. None of this means anything.

With a deep breath, I carefully sit down beside him on the bed. "Yes?"

"When I finally get out of this damn place, why don't we go get hitched?"

My breathing stops and swear my heart does too. These drugs have got to be really good...

"W-what?" Is all I manage to say as I feel my hand go limp in his.

He frowns and furrows his eyebrows together. "You don't wanna get married? That's fine, we'll have a baby instead. I've always wanted a baby," he continues.

This time I completely pull away from his grip and stand up from the bed. I watch his face fall with utter disappointment as I do so. "You said you didn't want a kid," I point out with that panicky voice of mine.

"Well think about it." He lifts the arm that the IV's threaded to, reminding me for the millionth time that he, in fact, is medicated. "If we a baby, it'll be someone we created. Having that with someone you love has always fascinated me."

Did he just...

"Y-you love me?" my voice shakes more than the rest of me. Oh god, I can feel the nausea coming on...

With a few grunts and groans, Andrei gets to his feet without any help and steadily shuffles over to me, his broad frame standing tall over me. "More than anything," he says and brushes a my hair behind my shoulder.

I feel my eyes start to burn and the tears pool together, forcing me to look away. This hurts so much I almost want it to end..

He cups my face and forces me to look up. His eyes replicate the same sad expression I hold. "What's wrong, Angel?" his voice is soft and soothing, so much so, I say it.

"I'm pregnant." Is all I can say in this moment.

Before I feel the regret of what I just admitted, his lips curl into a droopy smile and he pulls me into an unforgettable embrace. I carefully hug him back, resting my face on his chest in attempt to hide my river-like eyes.

He must feel the wetness of my eyes soaking into his shirt when I feel him pull away slightly. "Don't cry, we're having a baby," he tells me in the most soothing voice.

I look up at him and he wipes a tear from my cheek. "Yeah. We are," I say.




Shortly after admitting to Andrei I was pregnant, I had only realized it was nearly time for his next dose when the nurse walked into our room. I sat down in my usual spot and watched the nurse change his dressing and give him some antibiotics. She said he was no longer going to be taking the pain killers, so she removed his IV as well.

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