Julian 4

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Julians pov

I held her close to me closing my eyes tight in fear i would lose her.
She was quite and wasnt moving. Did i hurt her?..
dose she hate me?..
.she doesn't feel the same..
"s-sorry y/n.." i mumbled letting her go and walking away.
Tears building up in my eyes. "Julian?..."
I stopped and looked back.
"Save it y/n... I already know you dont have the sane feelings...ill leave.." i opened the window and jumped out.
This time i landed on my feet and Started running.
I ran fast.
Ignoring the calls of y/ns soft voice.
I lost the only woman in my life that made me feel like the happiest man in the world...
my vision was blurry due to tears but I kept running trying to forget what i just did.
As i ran i found my self growing close to the sea.
I slowed down and just stood in the sand watching the gentle waves crash.
I fall to my knees and held my head in my hands.
"What have i done.." i mumbled as tears flood my eyes.

Y/ns pov

I quickly get my cloak and rush out the door.
"Julian!!" I yelled searching the city for this Depressed dramatic man.
"Hello have you seen a man with an eye patch?" I asked a man
"Get lost"
I ran to person to person asking the same questions.
"Hello have you-"
The man shoved me back and i tripped over my cloak scraping my hands.
I hiss in pain as everyone walked past me.
As i rub my hands i realize i am a magician!.
I put my hands to the ground and listen close.
The sound if Julian sobbing makes me smile.
"Hes close" i mutter as i get up and run the direction if his sobbing.
Once i make it there i see him laying in the sand. An arm over his tearful face.
I walk up to him and sit down.
"Its nice out here.." i mumbled.
He jumped and looked at me.
"Oh its you. "
I looked at him and his eyes where full of sadness and worry.
"Julian whats wrong"
She smiled painfully laughing.
"Well i love you and you dont love me...i should be used to it but... I geuss i really fell for you.."  he said looking out to sea.
I grabbed his hand and held it close to my chest.
He blushed "what a-are you-"
"Feel that?"
"Your heart?"
I nodded "i was given a second chance to live...that means feel....that means love..."
He sobbed"y/n...i dont wanna lose you. "
"You wont Julian.."
"You sound so sure..anytime soon  the right guys gun a come sweep you off your feet then ill be left alone..again."
"Julian. "
He looked at me again and i smashed my lips with his.he was shocked but kissed back.
"Julian...your the man i want.."

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