Chapter 5: Flashback

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Athan and I were arranged by our parents when I was still young. I remembered the ceremony. I was about 300 years old, still growing into my body. In human years, I looked about 19. Athan's father Laurentiu was my father's dearest friend from Europe and were considered Nobles. Athan at the time, still the same as he looked now. Dark brown hair nicely done, hazel eyes that can see through you, proper mannerisms and stayed out of unnecessary trouble. He was a former royal guard to many kings in the past, a general in many armies, now a wealthy business man.

At the time I didn't fully understand what the ceremony was about, but mother dressed me up to perfection and invited the entire vampire race to a secluded castle in the middle of no where. The dungeons were filled with as many humans possible for catering, and it was a blood moon.

"Darling, do you know why we're having this party?" Raveinant asked me, as she fixed my hair.

"It's my birthday!" young Corina exclaimed excitedly.

"No, dear." she said shaking her head at Corina. My sister looked devastated.

"It's your sister's pre-arrangement announcement." mother said.

I was still confused. "What's a pre-arrangement?" I asked.

Mother smiled. "Your father and I have chosen a suitor for you, to continue to bloodline for the future."

"Like an arranged marriage?" I asked, feeling uneasy.

Mother nodded.

I figured as much. Mother and father were the perfect match. So was Grandmother and Grandfather, and their parents before them. I wonder if power was enough to keep a uniting of Elders long lasting. Or did love ever cross their relationships.

"When am I going to have my pre-arrangement announcement, mother?" Corina asked, floating around the room excitedly.

"Well, because Callidora is the eldest, she gets the pre-arrangement ceremony." mother explained. "We, as Elders, must chose Callidora's future partner for her."

Corina looked disappointed, and fell cross-legged on the floor with her arms crossed over her chest. "So sister gets this big party and I won't?" she grumbled.

Mother nodded. "But darling, YOU get to choose whoever you want." she said. "and of course, you'll get a big party."

That seemed to lighten Corina as she got up off the floor and started ballet dancing on the walls."Oh I already know who I want my partner to be!" she said happily.

"And who's that, darling?" Mother asked, as she did the finishing touches to my hair.

"Athan!" she squealed, holding her heart and swooning all over the place.

Mother coughed nervously, and made her way to Corina to sit her on her lap.

"You can have anyone else in the vampire race, but Athan." she said.

Corina looked like her world just shattered. "Why, mother?!" she whined. We felt a tantrum coming on.

"Because Athan is who were announcing to be Callidora's future partner." mother said. "Your father and I already agreed to this when your sister was born."

Athan? But he's so old.

Corina started to squeal in a tantrum, shaking the whole room. "But mother, I love him!"

Raveinant stood up and smacked her bottom. "Stop with your nonsense! This is an Elder decision and you are not to act against it." she boomed.

Corina immediately stopped and ran out of the room, pushing past father as he walked in. "What is going on?" he asked.

Mother shook her head. "Sibling rivalry my Lord. Corina has a little infatuation with Athan and was devastated when I told her what was happening today."

He shook his head. "Well, it's time." Lemures said, holding out his arm for me to take.

As we walked out of the room into the great hall, every one stopped what they were doing and followed me with their eyes as we walked to the limelight.

"My dear people. Today marks an event that will be in our history books." Lemures announced. "The match made for our future bloodline."

He motioned to Athan to join us. "Athan, son of Laurentiu, will be the future partner of our eldest daughter Callidora."

Everyone applauded. I looked over at Athan, as he smiled and waved back a the crowd, basking in the attention. He slowly glanced my way and I quickly looked away.

Corina had a point, he is handsome.

I secretly stole another glimpse of him, as he kissed my mother's cheek.

Everyone congratulated me as I walked through the crowd. The room started spinning so I quickly snuck out to the gardens for fresh air. The moonlight had a nice hue over the garden ponds. I found a stone bench to sit on and took in the nights chill air.

"Too much for you?" a voice said, startling me.

It was Athan.

"Oh." I said trying to avoid eye contact. "Yes, sir."

He sat beside me. "I understand. I get nauseous too around that many people."

"You seemed to be enjoying all the attention." I scoffed, before realizing I spoke before thinking again. I froze, awaiting my verbal or physical punishment from my future husband.

He chucked. "Lemures sure was right about you."

I glanced at him, surprise there was no anger in his voice. "Right about what?"

He smiled warmly. "You say whats on your mind."

I looked down on the floor, head hanging low. I was relieved he didn't scold me or struck me after what I had just said. But I was still beating myself up internally for not holding my tongue as I should. "I'm sorry, sir. I know I'm not supposed to..."

"It's ok." he assured. "I like that you have that kind of strength. As future Elders, both of us must be strong." he sat closer to me, trying to look me in the eye. " Also, don't call me "sir". It makes me sound like a domineering."

I looked up at him, as he smiled warmly at me before starring into the blissful night.

"You'll be a great leader, Callidora." he said with a smile, still looking up into the stars. "I will always trust your judgement."

"But, usually I'm to follow your orders and decisions, si......" I said. He quickly glanced at me, almost cringing at the word "sir".

"Sorry.... Athan."

Saying his name aloud was different. Mother always called father my Lord, or your grace, as did her mother before her. She only used his name if it were vital. But Athan wanted me to always call him by name. It was so.. contemporary.

"That may be so, but times are changing and I don't mind that." he said. "If the time comes when women can rule equally with men, you will be a great leader."

He took my hand in his, and knelt down on one knee. "And you will always have me by your side. Not before you, not behind you. Beside you."

My heart warmed to him as he kissed my hand.

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