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All the people are shouting and screaming their lungs out. The solitude of their participation strungs me. How could this happen, we all did well. I can see their tears just to see us happy. I am very grateful being here, performing for you. This is it, our last performance and then we will separate our ways. Guess I can't still accept the fact but the truth did hurt.

"Hey, are you okay? I was surprised by her sudden question, why now? after all those months that you don't appreciate my appearance.Is it because of the crowd and the fans that could see every single move that we make. You're really good at this, making me feel special just for the show. Fan Service as it is right.

" I'm okay, you don't need to act as if you're worry Jen. But anyways thank you for asking but hey this is our last show and we will just be ourselves and be free" I need to act and be brave enough and not to stutter a single word to answer your crappy question, do you really think that I am ok? Wow, you put up a big show and still ask me if I'm okay. You're a master of pretending.

"What are you trying to imply Lili? I'm just asking you, you don't have to be rude."

"Me, rude? really Jen?? wow let's just do this fan service and please don't act as if you're the one that got hurt I'm so done with the drama.Just get lost and please stop asking questions that are not important and can't benefit for the show. Just do your thing and  I'll do mine.

Am I really rude? I know I did hurt her ego but I did it for the both of us. She, pretending to all the shits that we shared and those silly words that she said to me. I don't need time for this, all i want is to end this show and forget everything including her.

"Thank you guys for coming here tonight its a great pleasure for us to perform for you, we will come back soon. We love you guys, good night!!

"Good job girls, we did it. It's time for us to celebrate and be home and be out and not be controlled ever." Says Chaeng after our last performance for the era. New music and new us, we all did great. "Let's have a group hug! I will  surely miss you guys. "You're too dramatic Chaeng its just 2 years for us to relax, but we will see each others face anyway. "You're so rude Lice, come here and let me hug you. "Let go of me, aishh you smell bad. You need to take a shower. I really love this girl it makes me happy to see her get mad at me.

"Lili, can I speak with you just for a minute. I don't understand what you're trying to say a while ago and its bothering me. I'm confused on what I did wrong" Oh here we go again I just let a sigh and agree with her, I mean even if I don't want to talk with her Jisoo and Chaeng would get confused on why I have to decline the talk with Jennie. "Ok, but be quick I need to get shower Chaeng's smell is infectious.

We went to the back of our car, everything is all set all we need is to get ready so we could go home.

"What is it that you want to talk Jen? I asked her coldly. She was surprise by my sudden gesture and aura. She did flicker, is she crying or its just eyes that are lying to me.

"Why are you doing this to me? What did i do? Why are you cold to me? What did you mean a while ago? What show do you mean? I need an answer lili you're confusing me big time.

"You don't need to do this Jen, everything is just for the show right? I mean there could be Jenlisa for the fans but let's stop pretending that you really cared for me. I heard everything, you don't need to explain you should be grateful that  I'm doing you a favor. Just be happy and  I'll stop this feelings that I have for you. Out of people why does it have to be you? I choose to be you're puppet. But its not your fault. All I did was assume that all those sweet moments that we've had is real. I'm sorry for making you feel sick about this Jenlisa thing. I just want you to be yourself by means of that, please be true to me. Stop pretending this, you don't know how it pains me.

"I'm not pretending Lice, I did all those things wholeheartedly. I did not do those things just for the Jenlisa thing, I did those for myself. Never in my life I would make you a puppet. You mean a lot to me, and what do you mean you heard everything? I guess you mean our conversation with Chahee. She was  bombarding me with those questions that includes you, she maybe my bestfriend but I'm still confused of my feeling for you. Yes, I like you Lice not because of Jenlisa but because you are you, my Lili. Stop this nonsense and hug me now lili.

Is this for sure or  I'm just hearing things, Jennie did like me and it was just a misunderstanding. I'm sorry my Nini I'm so dramatic. "You really mean that?

"Of course not, duh Lice you're not listening of course I mean it, I like you my Lalisa Manoban. Just hug me now I need my Lili

I can't believe this, i can't explain what I'm feeling Jennie likes me for real. "Im sorry if I jump into conclusions and did not asked you if what i heard is real. Come here nini, I'm so gay for this woman.

"I need to tell you something first, I'm just kidding about me liking you"

What the actual fuck! Before I could push her she then cut me off with a kiss. " Same Lisa, not making me finish before barking in, I don't like you Lice, I think I love you."

Tears starts to fall down from my eyes not because of pain but with her confession. I did not answer her, its not even a question but damn it I love her too.

"Hey, are you listening? Please say something, If you think this was too fast I can wait lili but.. I just shut her off with a kiss as well part of revenge but with pleasure.

I love you too nini, you don't know how happy I am. I'm out of words I just love you too. Lets go and eat each other, I mean lets eat  I'm hungry.

"Pervert lili, come on you're making me anxious. They're probably waiting for us.

"Its been two years, two fucking years nini. Why did i even believe you. Is it because of the love that I have for you or am I just easy to fool. Or was I too blind to see that you're recording to put up a show just for the fans.  Yes, I love you and that won't change but I think its time for me to let go and be happy i mean trully happy.

"Lice, lets go its our big day.  I know you still love her despite what she did. But please be yourself even just for today and stop pretending to me, I can see it all on your eyes.

"I'm sorry Chaeng, its just keep on coming back again. I can't help it, it makes me remind of her. How she used me. I just love her too much. Just for today and this will be the last. But seeing her again.She's still pretty as always, her eyes and her lips but her ring. Yes, Lisa wake up, she can never be with you. Lets just end this and enjoy. Put on your mind that she is with someone and it is not you and it will never be you!

You are my first love Jennie, always but I need to move on and be happy for myself and for you. I am glad that you fought for him rather you being with me. This may be the best ship but lets face the fact you and I could never be an us.

Just a fan service, just this..

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