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Three years have passed and still you're my gem. I look at those dark orbs that could make you fall for an instant. Those luscious lips that I've taste. I see you everytime with that grin on you perfect structured face. Fancy isn't it, today will be the greatest day of our lives. You and me as one. Everything was fixed and ready to go.

*1 message receive

From: Honey❤

I'm sorry Hon, i think i can't make it. Please remember that I will always love you. Till death do as part right? Whatever happens please be happy without me.

I don't know how should i react to that? I mean who would. It was like being tossed in a cold lake. Everything is set and I've waited for almost an hour just to received this rubbish.

"Jen is she still coming? The people are already hungry. Can they atleast eat first. They are all asking if she's still coming." what can i say, i don't have an answer too..

"Is everything alright? Why do you look so pale and where is Lisa?"

I think i get it now or i already did but  always denied it. She's already a changed woman. She loves me and only me. How come i only notice this today. On this stupid day.

"Let them eat i don't care. After that tell them the wedding is off."

"What? How? Why.. I mean they can still wait. I'll just tell them to wait for a few more minutes. Its no harm at all."

"No, just tell them that the wedding is off. Please don't make me repeat it again I'm tired and exhausted. If someone will look for me I will be at my room. Thank you for everything Chaeng, say my thanks to Jisoo unnie as well."

"But.. ok i understand"

I went straight to my room and undressed myself. Of all days why today? I was to blind to see and dumb to feel. I really love you that much for a million chances that i gave you. But today is enough I'm done. I just want to sleep and never wake up. How did we come this far, I don't even know who you are all you ever did is left me with scar.

"Hey honey, wake up i made it. I'm sorry i was late. But hey I'm here." Lisa? is that you or I'm just dreaming she left me and why would she come back. Foolish dream, hurting me again and again.

"Jennie wake up!! jen come on please wake up"  I'm still sleepy and why do they need to shout.

"What do you want? I'm still tired just make it fast."

"Its Lisa, she.. got into an accident." Am i hearing this or I'm still dreaming again.

"I'm sorry what did you say? i don't want to believe it.

"On her way here, she was driving fast cause she's already late and there was a cliff. She did not notice it, her car went off and she's already gone Jen." Chaeng was crying while explaining to me what happened. How should i process this my mind is not thinking straight. All i want is to see her right now.

"I need to see her now! Please be there Lis i'm willing to forget everything for you. Please make your promise. We, having kids and living in a huge house near the beach. Please stay with me I need you.

At the Hospital

"Where is Lisa? I'm already in panic I can't control my emotions right now I need to see her.

The girl at the front desk was just staring at me. Is she even doing her job? Come on I need to see my love.  I'm on the verge of yelling at her when i heared the doctor say.

"Are you Miss Jennie Kim? yes hell i am the one and only

"Yes, where is Lisa?

"I'm sorry to tell you but she's already gone"

Those words are hard to sink in. How come, its .. no it can't be. Why does it have to be this way. I can accept that you won't choose me but hearing you not here is too much.

"No!!! where is she? i need to see her with my own eyes!

"I'm sorry ma'am but her parents took her to the funeral. But she gave me this "

I cannot handle this.. this is too much.You promise to me. Why Lis why does it have to be this way. I don't know what to do with my life with you not by my side. Everything is incomplete. I can't do this, this is hurting me.

Three years have passed Nini and I can't still accept it. You should have read the letter. Why can't you wait for me. Everything was bullshit! I am still here afar from you walking down the aisle. You seem to be happy, I am too but one thing is for sure I will be him next time.

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