Momo (Chapter 19)

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You here a knock on the door and you went to go open it. You pulled the door open to see a grey eyed girl with black hair, it was Momo. You welcomed her in and took her to Todoroki, why was fast asleep on the couch/sofa. She saw that her was really badly injured and immediately went up to his side to see how bad the damage was.

She pulled out a box and unwrapped my previous bandages, she asked you to assist her so you went over to her.

You kneeled next to her and she got a phone call,"(Y/n) will you just put drops of this liquid on Todoroki's wounds then bandage them up?" She says when passing you a bottle.

Momo went to go take the call and you opened the small bottle and dripped them on his wounds. After a few drops Todoroki woke up and wincing in pain, the liquid must sting.

You kissed his fore head and tried to calm him from the extra pain,"It's ok,". He looked at you and smiled as you finished patching him up.

Momo finished her phone call and went to go check your work,"Not to bad," she told you and then Todoroki pulled to him and hugged you; once you were let go Momo looked incredibly upset.

You asked her if she was ok and she just nodded."I should probably leave now," Momo mentioned sounding very upset, and she got her bag and walked out the door.

Todoroki hugged you again as you felt his breathe against your neck, you blushed and just hugged him back, trying to make him happy.


Momo's POV

After I left (Y/n)'s and Todoroki's I felt sad, I love Todoroki but I saw that he was happy being with (Y/n). It aches my heart to see him but I just want to see him happy.

Once I was out the building I made my was back to the dorms; I hated keeping the secret but having to lie to the U.A teachers was hell. I was sure I was going to get caught, but I wasn't.

All I want is to be with Todoroki, but I can't. What if (Y/n) was the problem? I couldn't take her from him after what they've just been through, it would destroy him.

I tried to take my mind of it and continue my way home.


I walked through my front door of the dorms and sat on the couch/sofa. I lent back and Denki came up to me, I really didn't want to speak right now... please.

"Hey Yauyarozu, mind if me, Ashido and Mineta have a study sesh with you?" Of corse I said yes but I could feel like they were reading me like a book. Was it that obvious that I was upset?

After the study sesh I went to bed and couldn't sleep. I was just rolling around in bed for what felt like hours on end, why can't I just sleep?!

Eventually I fell asleep and had a dreamless slumber.

I woke up in the middle of the night and just cried.


(Y/n)'s POV

I held close to Todoroki in bed walst he slept. He was so peaceful and you had always thought that he just held you to keep you safe. You were great full for that it's just you felt happy knowing that he was getting better knowing your safe.

As you held close to him you felt ward and you were sure he did too. You really did love him but you just didn't know how to deal with it. You'd never really have a real boyfriend before so all this was new.

Todoroki Andes up turning in his sleep which ended up with his arm around you and he held you close. Was he really asleep? You decided to whisper something to Todoroki to see if he really was asleep.


Todoroki opened his eyes and kissed you on your fore head and answer,"Yes Kitten?" He then stared to stroke the back of your head and waited for your reply.

"Oh nothing I just thought you were awake, sorry I woke you,"

"I have been awake this entire time, you so beautiful you know,"

You blushed completely red and smiled and snuggled his collar bone. Todoroki held you close and watched you fall asleep.


You never knew why hit whenever Todoroki was looking at you or watching you, you felt safe. Safer than ever. Once you never spoke to him, to pure fear... now to love. Who could've guessed.

Walst you later there in Todoroki's arms you were warm. Not lovey dovey or anything but you were literally burning.

You opened your eyes and asked Todoroki if he was using his quirk and you could see in his eyes that he wasn't. Why were you so hot?

"Shoto if your not using your quirk then why am I boiling?" You asked. Todoroki places his hand on your fore head and pulled his hand immediately away,

"Jeez (Y/n) are you OK? Your are boiling,"

You gave no answer but then Todoroki put his right hand on your fore head once more and tried to cool you down. It worked but you were still hot.

You started to feel dizzy and you eventually passed out and landed on Todoroki's shoulder.


Todoroki's POV

My dear (Y/n) fell on me, I knew she passed out but I hated to do that to her, I know I've done this over and over to her but I just want her safe.

I did make (Y/n) sick but only because she wants me to get better and do anything I would do just so I can rest. I respect that but she's going to get hurt continuing to do that. I don't want her hurt.

Okay I'm back at school so uploading will take longer than I'd like but I mainly can write the chapters at my bus stop cause I have to wait an hour on my bus home so yeah!!!

I hope you enjoy ❤️

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