Escaped?? (Chapter 4)

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Todoroki kept you in his basement for today, your parents didn't really know, well wouldn't really know because they won't be home for awhile. The reason is pretty simple; they were a Holiday/Vacation. It's just coincidental you get kidnapped, on the day you need to more than anything.

You hated it more than anything, you wanted to just be let go; but you couldn't because you were tied to a chair, if you're tied to something you can't really escape, well that's how it normally goes unless you're a God. Why can't I leave? Please let me leave.

You weren't gagged because that monster took it off as long as you didn't scream or shout, but then...  you've got an idea, what if you bend down and slowly chewed the duck tape off around your wrists. You thought it would work I mean of course you wouldn't actually eat the duck tape you would spit it out after, it was actually pretty good idea.

So you bend down and slowly chewed the duck tape around your wrists, after a while your jaw was starting to hurt but you didn't give up; it took about 10 minutes till you got your rid of the duck tape round one hand, and he'll rid it hurt.

About half an hour past and you have got the duck tape off from both wrists, you could finally move them after from being in so much agony. Then you bent down and untied  your legs from rope and duct tape, he really didn't want you to leave but you didn't give up. Really tell me you will stop is when you are finally free from this hell of a world.

Once you're free you stood up from having to be sat down for an entire day and then you saw a boarded-up window behind you, you didn't notice it because you couldn't really move your head when you were tied down.

You walked over it and saw that the wood wasn't really nailed in properly, you could easily pull it off; and you did, it came off with ease. Once you unbordered the window you lifted up the window handle and opened it.

Since the window was higher up and you struggled to climb up it, you grabbed the chair you were sat on and placed it near the windows and climb out, your escape all successful but one thing you didn't know is that it was night and you weren't familiar with the area so it was kind of a guess. But anywhere was better than where you were.

You were walking down the streets taking lefts and rights and even walking straight for what felt like years, it came to a part where you suddenly felt familiar with the area, you were at your local park. No children were there obviously it's mainly just people who scout the area or policeman. You didn't know why police were there but you just carried on and minded you're in business; it never came to you to tell the police about what I just happened to you, your mind went blank.

You're walking down the street and, as you are walking you were paranoid like someone was watching you; you didn't know why but I was probably because that some reason in the street you live down there were coincidently no streetlights, growing up that you never thought much about it and your kind of used to it so you never bothered, this is very time it was creepy, you were scared.

As you were walking to your house and you turned your door, and as you were just about to walk in, for some reason the door is open, you were pretty sure that you locked it when you left because your parents weren't home, they were on holiday/vacation. You didn't know why but you didn't bother to think you just walked in your house because you just wanted to feel safe.

Once you're inside you turned on the lights and sat on your living room sofa/Couch you just turned on the TV on a random channel, and you just sighed in relief, you're glad you are finally out there, out of that awful, vile place. You were just glad it was all over.

About sometime past and you were just starting to calm down, you grabbed a glass of water and sat down, just as you sat down you herd something , it was more like grunt and a Russell from the bushes outside. You tired to ignore it and carry on with your day well night, you used the spare key lock the door, locked all the windows and went to bed.

Time skip

Everything was fine walst you were in a deep slumber, nothing Bothered or woke you very peaceful.  Your mind had completely forgotten about the incident, you were glad that all the memories of that hell was gone...At least you thought so.

Knock knock

Okay sorry this chapter took longer to write. It's just that I wrote all when I was about to publish it I read it all through and I decided I was rubbish is about to re-write it all, it was a pain but I'm happy with it now. I hope you all enjoy and let me know if you wanna pop by because I'm enjoying writing it and believe it or not this is one of my favourite fanfiction is and the most like to say thank you all.

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