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*long chapter due to exams hummies.

"Get your ass in my bed"

"Do you want that Kitten?"

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"Do you want that Kitten?"

His hand traces along your face slowly.  One hand placed on your waist, gradually taking them to your ass. All you can do is stare at him, your lips begin to quiver and eyes begin to water once more.

"Jimin, " You hum, " I like you."

And you say it whole heartedly. Your eyes stay connected and all you can do is wait. Jimin wanted to smile. Pull you into his arms and tell you that he liked you too. But he just stares at you as you continue to talk.

"I like you so much that it hurts, Jimin."You sniff, " watching all of these girls throw themselves at you and you not even push them back. I know I pretend that I am okay with it but in all honesty Jimin I'm not."

"On Friday, I cried my eyes out. Because you left with Solar and literally forgot about me Jimin, " You say.

You place your hands besides his face and lean in to kiss his nose just once. Jimin can feel his heart flutter once again.

"If we are going to continue doing this then I don't want you to see anyone else, " You confess, " Or else I'm going to be so heartbroken that - that. I don't think I'll be able to take it."

Jimin mutters,"Why didn't you tell me you felt this way?"

He watched as you start to avoid his gaze, " I'll stop."

Your heart flutters and you look back at him.

"Really?"You whimper, " You'd do that for me?"

Jimin also puts his hands besides your face before scrunching his face funningly. Your laugh is mixed with a few sniffles and Jimin grows soft.

He can feel it.

And while staring at you while you sat in his lap, it hits him. He knows that his ex has really broken his heart, and even though his a bit hesitant about getting into anything serious. You are his best friend. He can be vulnerable with you, laugh with you and cry with you.

The best part of it all is that he can be a crackhead with you.

He can be happy with you.

Jimin knew you wouldn't dare break his heart. If he was to get into another serious relationship.

He would rather do it with you rather then anyone else.

"I would do anything for you Kitten."

Jimin pulls you closer and your eyes  close as you can feel his soft plump lips make contact with yours. A low whimper falls from your lips and Jimin takes as an opportunity to bite down on your lip lightly. As a soft moan leaves your lips, Jimin pushes his tongue between your skins.

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