Fifty Four

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Jimin feels the smooth leather black grip around the steering the wheel begin to feel slippery as the pool of his sweat begins to potrude through his palms and fingers. He could barely even breathe, feeling his pulse forcefully causing him to know that his anxiety has now taken over him.

He was anxious.

And it was weird because this man has been to this neighbourhood before. Jimin has grown up and knows the town like the back of his hand. He knows the forbidden places as well as the tourist attractions. And yet even though he knows this place and he still can't help but feel suck to the stomach.

The last time he was here, Jimin had you in his passenger seat, your feet comfortably resting on his dashboard, while the both of you listened to your playlist. Which you both sang along to.

Jimin makes his last turn onto the street and slows down the car just to give him more time to prepare what the fuck his going to say. He watches the back end of his parents walk into your Mothers home and that's when Jimin knew that the time had arrived.

It was now or never.


"Tomorrow is Valentines day!"Soekjin smiles brightly while slipping a pink hat over his head.

You grimaced as he sits down next to you, "Yeah, it's the day of love and my boyfriend and I aren't even on speaking terms."

He watches as your mood plunged, and your gaze falls to your eyes. Your day at school was going oddly well, you lied to your teachers and good them you were really sick. Which gives you the get-out-of-jail card of not getting yelled at. You had piles of work but only for one subject, others you have to self study and you will be fine.

Everyone was being distant , almost treating you like fragile glass. The boys have been with you all day as well as Hyejin and Jisoo. Surprisingly - you also got a call from Jennie while you were with Namjoon. You felt relieved that nobody bothered to ask how you were because you don't think you will be able to even answer the question.

But despite it all, you still wished you could get a glimpse of Jimin. Even if it was just the back of his head. Looking at his pictures wasn't enough anymore.

"Are you guys still not talking?"Jin softly whispers, he turns his body to you and gives you a soft look.

You shake your head before taking a sip of your homemade ice coffee.

"No..."You sigh, "And I hate it so much."

"All I want to do is cuddle him, kiss him and love him but I can't help but think that after everything we have been through...things will never be the same again. And that's my biggest fear. I don't want to use my best friend and my boyfriend all in one go. I don't think I will mentally be able to take it."

"And his been texting me every day since we've been apart." You smile sadly, " But his texts have lessoned and... I'm scared his done with me."

"No, don't say that." He whispers before leaning into you and looking around the room to make sure nobody was eavesdropping., "Trust me when I say that Jimin loves you more than anything. And you know Y/n I never fabricate shit."

You nod in agreement. Because Jin does tell the hard truth.

"The Both of you have been miserable without each other so don't lose faith." He says in comfort, " Jimin will get his Kitten and the Cat will get her Jimin,"

"Why do you keep calling me a Cat?" You giggle as you wipe away the small tears that have built in the corner of your eyes.

"Because he said he will kill anyone else that calls you Kitten, " Jin shudders, "And he didn't look like he was joking."


Jimin's parents laughed loudly amongst each other and your Mother smiles brightly as she watches. The way they were conversing right now actually reminded him how much they didn't even pay attention to the fact that Jimin called the meeting.

He watches with narrow eyes as your mother stands to her feet and started offering snacks and drinks. That's when Jimin was snapped back into reality.

"Mom, Dad, " He interrupts before standing up and urging your mother to sit.

They all note how serious he falls and that's only when they start taking him seriously. Jimin's Father watches as Jimin becomes nervous. Jimin couldn't even function.

He was struggling to find a way to start the conversation. This is the most serious he has ever been in his entire life. And he's actually never thought of doing something like this...ever.

"What is it?"His father asked, "Are you failing? We won't be angry if you're honest with that."

Jimin groans while stressfully running his hands into his hair. Pulling at every chance that he can get.

"No that's not what I came to talk about." He says, " I'm...fine. Really."

"Then what is it? And why isn't Y/n with you?Is she feeling sick."

Sick of me probably.

"Y/n and I haven't been on speaking terms for the past two weeks. Her and I had an argument and misunderstanding. But I'm planning on making it right as of right now she doesn't even know that I'm here."

Your mother begins to worry as she watches Jimin begin to pace around in circles.

"And since we are all important roles in her life. I thought that it would be a respectful thing for me to speak to you about what I plan on doing, " Jimin gulps before sitting down on the coffee table directly in front of his elders, more specifically - your mother.

He pulls out a red velvet box and opens it slowly in front of her. All their eyes widen but instead of protesting, they wait for him to explain.

"Don't worry I'm not proposing, " He says, and they all sigh in relief.

And he wasn't offended. Simply because you guys are too young and also still busy with academics - maybe later down the line, Jimin will propose but as of right now. A promise ring will do.

"I hurt her a lot, "Jimin shakes his head shamefully, " And I promise with everything in me that none of that will ever happen again. I love and cherish Y/n. She is my other half and also my best friend."

"I am asking for your blessing for me to give her this ring, " He says, watching as your mother takes the box from his hand and looking at the ring in awe, "I understand that we are too young and may not be ready for such a step in our lives. But I swear that I love her and if I don't use this opportunity to give this to her...i will regret it and I know it."

"I don't know what had happened between the two of you but I'm pleased that you guys are mature enough to work on it instead of breaking up. You two have a lot to lose if that happens."Your mother says soothingly, "So as long as you promise to continue loving her and cherishing her the same way you do,"

"Then I don't see why I wouldn't give you my blessing."

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