Sixty Four

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...three chapters left.
Double update. Don't forget chapter 64❤️

"And that was the first time I slept with her."

You glance towards Jimin. His face blanks and no emotions were on display for you to notice.

"I wanted to go and tell you but I just couldn't, " Hosoek's lips quiver and he closes his eyes briefly, " Not only were you stressing about Y/n's health, constantly randomly traveling to Busan, focusing on school and also somewhat trying to balance your relationship. I thought it would've been best if I took this secret to the grave. B-but she planned a movie date for you two and you said you were in Busan... You didn't even tell her you were leaving."


"What do you mean you're in Busan?" Star mumbles, " Jimin you promised me that this weekend was about us. And now you're gone with Y/n - again. All the way in Busan."

Hosoek listens to her carefully and she starts to sniffle.

"But what about me? What about my mental health? She's not the only woman in your life - have you ever bothered to ask if I'm okay or how I'm feeling? I'm feeling lonely and unloved and neglected all while having a boyfriend."

She waits a few seconds and Jimin's words fill her ears and she sadly smiles as the first teardrop falls.

"You're gonna make it up to me?" Star giggles, " Oh yeah? How so?"


"She watched me walk-in, and she was still crying." Hosoek wipes away his eyes, " Despite you trying to comfort her - she was only preparing herself to distance herself. Before I knew it - whenever you asked her out to try and make up for it. She would call me."

"Star would get really needy and call me at late hours in the night. I would always bring you up but she would use her sadness against me."

And before he knew it. It became a regular thing. The calls for a date. And while all of this was happening, Star was falling more and more out of love with him and falling head over heels for Hosoek.

"I didn't mean to fall in love with her, " He mumbles, "Before I couldn't comprehend what was happening - my heart would skip a beat when she texted me. And I would get so excited every time she would call me."


"Do you love me?" Hosoek whines, "Do you, baby?"

"Hosoek!"Star hisses, " I'm with Jimin right now - I told you not to call me."

Hosoek gulps down his beer, his grip on his phone getting tighter.

"You didn't answer my question."

"Yes, yes I do. So much." She whispers.


"I asked her to break up with you."

Your mouth falls open and you can't help but be shocked. All this of this was revealing a more detailed version of the story in her head. It was just kind of mouth-dropping. All of it. You glance towards Jimin and you kept wondering how he felt.

But what Jimin was mostly wondering about why the heck he needed to know this.

"But I didn't expect her to actually to it. I wasn't thinking clearly and when I sobered up and came to my senses. When I told her I couldn't be with her. She left and never and came back."

"But why?" Jimin shrugs.

"Jimin I didn't mean to fall in love with he-"

"No, " Jimin interrupts, "Why are you telling me this now."

Hosoek gulps before getting to main to the main story.

"There is more you guys need to know about your break up..."

Jimin glances towards you and you gulp. Now finally feeling like you were getting somewhere. Your mind was curious - his message has opened flood gates. You couldn't but feel nervous.

"Late last year, Star had mentioned to me that her father had another daughter - outside of the marriage. This is when Solar comes in."


It's been a while since you have even heard of her name. You haven't even seen her, she was studying the same course as Jimin. So all those days you avoided school because Jimin was there - she was there too.

Jimin hasn't really been interested in her being. She was always there, giving him snacks and even offering to make notes for him in class. He was so sad that he just mindlessly dismissed her flirtatious gestures.

"Solar has been obsessed with you since that day you've slept with her, " Hosoek mumbles.

You shift as you think about that day. The night you swore to your life that you were just going to let all this of this go. It was such a funny thought when you think about how happy you are with him now.

"I swear something is wrong with her. She has to mental."

"Hosoek how could you say such a thing?"

"No, I'm serious, " He says frantically while his eyes would widen, "She kept talking about how she wanted Jimin to be hers despite knowing that you had a crush on him. She took pictures of Jimin when he wasn't paying attention. After she had realized how much closer you guys have gotten over the last few months she got jealous- and eventually, she got angry."

"Solar used her story about Star and I against me. And was threatening to tell you unless I broke you guys apart. That's why that day you were leaving for Busan - I tried to kiss you. She was there - watching. Where else do you think she would've gotten those pictures? You live in the west while the rest of us live in the east. It wouldn't be realistic if someone within our friend coincidently took those pictures."

"She invited Star on purpose - she knew it would fuck with you. And it did. And when you guys had the break up she was ecstatic. They planned this. All of it. Solar had a mental outrage  - and she was cursing me out like you wouldn't believe. Calling me names that I've never thought I would be called my lifetime."

Hosoek stands up to his feet and sighs heavily. Feeling a weight lift off of his shoulders. He walks to Jimin's side of the table. Placing a hand over his shoulder, but Jimin only gives him a small glance before staring back down to his fingers.

"I didn't mean to hurt you but I will understand if you would never forgive me, " He gulps, "I don't want to lose you over something like this - but I would understand if things were never to be the same."

The man sadly smiles, and all you can do is watch. Jimin remains silent. Listening to Hosoek's footsteps as the made their way towards your door.

This was it.

Years of laughter and happy memories were going to fade the second Jung Hosoek's first foot was outside of the apartment.

"Wait, " Jimin calls.

Your boyfriend, who was still shirtless - follows Hosoek hot on his trails.

"I forgive you, " He croaks, " But you need to understand that I'm hurt and I need time."

Hosoek's eyes widened and he instantly starts shaking his head agreeing.

"And I can give it to you."

And that's when you knew that things were going to be okay - they just needed time.

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