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"Lets makeout, have sex, cuddle and have a deep talk. Then lets have sex again, go out to eat, then go back home, watch a movie and have sex again."

"You should've seen yourself, " Jimin grumbles

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"You should've seen yourself, " Jimin grumbles.

It was currently the second break for lunch, and you felt that it was necessary to sit with the boys instead of the girls, especially after what had happened. You smugly sat under his arm. Jimin whispers into your ear - making sure that the boys don't hear what his saying.

You blush heavily muttering small curse words at him.

"Please stop, " You mumble.

"Nah you look so adorable when you blush, " He kisses your temple.

You face flushes red and all you can do is stare down at the table while trying to distract yourself from the heated gaze of some of the boys at the table. Mostly being stares of confusion?

It was just last week when Jimin said that he wanted to fool around and not settle.

And now the boy was all over you, almost claiming you as his - right in front of everyone.

Girls across the cafeteria glared at you but you barely pay attention to them as Jimin's teasing was the only thing your mind was highlighting.

"Jimin, " You whine.

Solar sits across the cafeteria, eyes glued to the back of Jimin's head while he showered you with so much affection that it literally made her fume in fury.

She wanted Jimin to love her like that.

Not for him to waste his time on you.

Jisoo oddly stares at Solar, watching as her lip trembled as she was obviously glaring in rage.

"Can you not look at Y/n like she killed your dog?"

Solar reserves her face before making herself look sudden.

"I just hate it when we fight, " She fakely pouts.



Hyejin nervously laughs, "Soooooo, "

Taehyung walked alongside with her. Both of them roaming around the large building. Taehyung surprisingly offered to walk Hyejin to her locker - one she hardly even consumes. Despite her being nervous, she would never pass up the opportunity of being alone with the Taehyung.

"I swear you've been avoiding me, " He chuckles.

As Hyejin looks up to Taehyung, she watches as long fingers graced over his lips while he bit them gently.

"W-why would you think that?"She blushes.

Taehyung gently pushes her and she smoothly lands on the lockers. Her gaze widens. Suddenly feeling nervous at the fact that she was alone with him.

"Because you haven't called me since the party, " His voice is smooth - light, almost like words of feathers as Hyejin's heart fluttered.

She immediately looks away from his eyes.

"I thought you didn't do that type of stuff, "She mumbled, " You fuck boys can really break hearts you know."

"So would you preferred if I called you?"He asked.

She nods her head. Trying to ignore the fact that she indirectly said he was going to break her heart - but the boy didnt't even try to deny it.


"Oh my soul!"

Loud shriek is heard down the hallway. You didn't think much of it though as you pulled out the books that you needed from your locker. Jimin said he needed to talk to the boys so he will meet you at the car. You double check that you have the right files in books - you sigh gently before closing your locker. Before you can even lock the lock, you are taken a back by a really happy Hyejin.

Her smile was so wide that her eyes were gone.

"Are you..."You start.

"You won't believe what happened, " She shrieks, you cringe at the horrible loud noise but allow her to continue.

"Can we walk and talk?"You mumble, " Jimin is waiting for me."

Just as you body starts to trail down the hallway. Hyejin began to talk about her blossoming emotions for Mr Kim Taehyung. The more she spoke - the more upset you got. But you kept it lowkey.

This girl didn't want you to go for Jimin because he was a fuckboy and was known to break my heart.

However - you wanted to interrupt her and ask her if she was listening to herself because Taehyung is not that different from Jimin. They both sleep around for fun and are flirtatious in a manner that leaves many really heartbroken.

They are literally cut from the same cloth.

The different however is that you grew up with Jimin whereas in Hyejin just met Taehyung - well only started to want to get to know him now.

If she goes forward and wants to do whatever then Taehyung - then you'll be hella upset. This girl will then be a fucking hypocrite.

But you're her best friend, so you just leave her be. However when the time comes to spill the means. You will with no hesitation whatsoever.

"So you and Solar got into an argument?"


"Uhm yeah, " You mumble, " My feelings got the best of me and I attacked them about them sleeping with Jimin knowing that I like him."

"Y/n - Jimin can sleep with whoever he wants, "

Whiplash takes over and your head snaps in her direction, " Sex is a two way street. I'm not denying that Jimin can sleep with whoever. He targeted my friends. He should've known better not to do that and they should've known better by saying no!"

Just as you guys make it to the parking lot, the both of you fall silent.

How could she? She knows how much you like Jimin and as of right now she was being completely insensitive to the situation. Even for the sake of your feelings she should've sugar coated it. But she didn't.

Jimin leaned on his car, Hosoek on his left as they both stared at the girl who was talking right in front of them. Her legs were nice as her jeans hugged her body tightly. Your eyes gaze at Jimin and you watch him closely.

You watch his lips pucker, signalling a low whistle before he bit on his lower lip gently. His eyes clearly began to wonder down her body. You stop in your tracks and watch him throw a charming smile and wink her way.

"What's wrong?"Hyejin asked, " Is it me? I didn't mean to upset you."

You shake your head and face your best friend,

"Didn't you say you needed help with Literature?I can help you today."

"What about Jimin?"She asked

"I will just text him."

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