Forty Three

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Taehyung 🖤
We need to talk.

Taehyung 🖤
Why are you avoiding me?

Hyejin huffs as her back pressed against the side of the bed. She was alone, in the girls' shared room. The door locked, while taking deep breaths to try and calm down her heart.

"I don't like her,"

Of course she knew that. It really wasn't surprising, she tried to avoid showing her emotions and she continued playing around in the pool with the girls. While you looked at her with a serious expression, waiting for her to show any sign of discomfort.

"I am just sexually attracted to her, and it will never be more than that, "

She shakes her head in disbelief, the tears that she tried to hard to keep up fell. Hyejin didn't understand why she was feeling so insecure. How could he just treat her like she's some object? Fucking her whenever and however he wanted? And still expectanting her to not feel anything emotionally? This was the first time she had ever had a fuck buddy...and she was regretting it .


Hyejin felt like hypocrite. Why didn't she listen to her own advice and stay away from this fuckboy? She tried taking her thoughts off of Taehyung by hanging out more with Yoongi, instead her friendship with Yoongi got stronger while her romantic feelings for Taehyung arose.

A knock is heard from the door. And it causes her to wipe away her tears fastly.

Taehyung bites his lip as he nervously stands outside of the door. His fingers curled to make a fist and he knocks again. He tries to press his head against the door to try and hear anything but he hears nothing.

"Who is it?"Hyejin sniffles.

Taehyung gulps nervously as he hears her voice. His guilt slowly starts to eat him alive. He wanted to slam his head against the door until his passed out. None of the boys downstairs are talking to him and he was starting to feel left out. He really doesn't want his friendships to change because of a girl.

"Its Taehyung."He gulps, " Can we talk?"

Hyejin's lip begin to quiver and the tears become unstoppable, she keeps calling herself stupid under her breath- continuously asking herself why she did this.

"No, " She croaks, "Go away."

"But we need to to talk Hyejin please just-"

The door swings open and his mouth is left half open as he stares down at her. Her hair was still up in a bun, her nose pink and her eyes bloodshot red. Taehyung still feels nothing as he stares at her. This wouldn't be the first time his made a girl cry.

But this would be the first time his going to comfort one.

"What the fuck do you even want to talk about?"Hyejin sniffs, " There is nothing to discuss."

"Then why are you crying?" He cocks his eyebrow at her, an arrogant laugh dryly leaves his lips and Hyejin pauses as the sound begins to feul her anger.

"Fuck you, " She grits, " I'm balling my eyes out here, have a fucking heart."

"I'm sorry, " Taehyung murmurs, " I'm trying to make light of the situ—"

Hyejin's ears block out the rest of his sentence as she hears how blunt his words were. She knows he doesn't care—so what is he trying to achieve from this? His laughing in front her face, no guilt whatsoever while she is busy crying right in front of him.

Taehyung gulps when he see's the blank look on her face, the distant look in her eyes cause him to be nervous and it almost causes him to say a good never mind and walk away. But his legs remained glued to the floor.

"What do you want?"She whispers, looking straight to his shoulder which was directly infront of her face,"I'm really not in a mood to have sex with you right now."

"That's not what I—" But he doesn't finish his sentence,"Can you let me in?Please."

Hyejin sighs before moving out of his way. Taehyung walks into the room, seeing the room to be a lot neater than the room he shared with Jimin. There was colourful bra's and swimsuits piled onto someone's bed but he walks to the bed closest to the window. Hyejin closes the door behind him, instantly locking it because she can feel that this conversation is going to be...intense.

She sits down on the bed with the bra's , and stares up at Taehyung.

Taehyung attempts to walk up to her but she raises her hand to signal him to stop and he comes to halt in his tracks. Hyejin points to the bed closest to him and he sighs before sitting down.

And they both stare at each other in silence.

"How could you?"She croaks, Taehyung's eyebrows furrow in confusion,"Do you know how degrading it is for you to just tell people that you are just sexually attracted to me?"

"That you would never go even further than that? I'm not a sex object — you don't get to do that. And you making it seem as if I go and give myself off to anyone that asks for it because I am never going to be enough for someone to date."

The tears begin to fill her eyes and she shakes her head in disbelief.

"I told you over and over that I have morals and that I don't do shit like this and yet you were so persistent on wanting to sleep with me. I am not a trophy Taehyung. I am girl —and girls have feelings."

"But I told you I don't date," He whispers,"I told you from the very beginning to avoid you getting hurt like this."

"I know that,"She sniffs,"That's why I've been avoiding you—because I have feelings for you and I'm trying to get over them. But just because you don't date doesn't mean that you can go around speaking about me like that."

"I'm sorry,"

Hyejin shakes her head in denial and gets up to her feet, her hand wrapping around the doorknob— easily unlocking it and pulling the door out. Taehyung's heart pains and he opens his mouth in shock while she stand by the door slowly falling apart.

"J-just," She shivers

"Just get out."


Wow. Shit really got deep. Don't we all just hate Taehyung right now?

curiousbangtan that's what you get for making me hate Soekjin bitch. Update soon!

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